2017 Alcatraz Escape from the Rock

Saturday, August 12, 2017 9:20 AM (GMT-8) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Aquathlon - swim and run
Location: San Francisco, CA, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 79
Laps: 2
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO
Updated: Thursday, August 31, 2017 7:19 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Enviro-Sports
Race website: www.envirosports.com

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Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Swim
1 367 Michael Kellman Berkeley CA  M1824 24 M 33:51.9 -+0.00%100.00%
2 319 Will Cammack Clinton IN  M1824 19 M 34:12.0 +0:20.1+0.99%99.02%
3 405 Michael Piazza Coconut Grove FL  M5054 53 M 34:33.7 +0:41.8+2.06%97.98%
4 200 Timor Averbuch San Francisco CA  M1314 13 M 35:01.3 +1:09.4+3.42%96.70%
5 364 Miles Johnson Arcata CA  M1314 14 M 35:36.3 +1:44.4+5.14%95.11%
6 327 Blair Crookston Mountain View CA  M4549 47 M 37:13.9 +3:22.0+9.94%90.96%
7 407 Mike Pigg McKinleyville CA  M5054 53 M 38:48.2 +4:56.3+14.58%87.27%
8 417 Toney Sebra Sacramento CA  M4044 43 M 38:59.9 +5:08.0+15.16%86.84%
9 357 Ian Henderson Carlisle UK  M3539 38 M 39:16.8 +5:24.9+15.99%86.21%
10 424 Louis Rogers San Francisco CA  M2529 28 M 39:30.3 +5:38.4+16.65%85.72%
11 340 George Esahak-Gage Scottsdale AZ  M5559 59 M 39:31.9 +5:40.0+16.73%85.67%
12 355 Owen Hardisty Sonoma CA  Clydesdale 36 M 39:57.1 +6:05.2+17.97%84.76%
13 390 Phil Morreale Santa Barbara CA  M6064 60 M 40:09.4 +6:17.5+18.58%84.33%
14 425 William St. Amant San Francisco CA  M1824 24 M 41:20.3 +7:28.4+22.07%81.92%
15 317 Brendan Buckley Brooklyn NY  M3539 35 M 41:47.1 +7:55.2+23.39%81.05%
16 314 Cooper Bontz Mill Valley CA  M1824 20 M 42:20.4 +8:28.5+25.03%79.98%
17 218 Steve Wakefield Belmont CA  M5054 53 M 43:29.3 +9:37.4+28.42%77.87%
18 174 Jonathan Rourke Belmont MA  M6064 62 M 43:36.1 +9:44.2+28.75%77.67%
19 330 Francis Damrell Modesto CA  M1824 23 M 43:37.3 +9:45.4+28.81%77.63%
20 392 Steve Munoz San Carlos CA  M4549 45 M 43:43.3 +9:51.4+29.11%77.46%
21 310 Mike Bennett Manhattan KS  Co-ed Relay 61 M 43:46.8 +9:54.9+29.28%77.35%
22 414 Daniel Santoro San Francisco CA  Clydesdale 25 M 43:47.9 +9:56.0+29.33%77.32%
23 372 Dan Lafond Phoenix AZ  Clydesdale 44 M 44:03.3 +10:11.4+30.09%76.87%
24 410 Itai Reuveni San Francisco CA  M1824 23 M 44:07.6 +10:15.7+30.30%76.74%
25 285 Dennis Fisher Pickerington OH  M5559 58 M 44:08.8 +10:16.9+30.36%76.71%
26 435 Jackson Wagner Atherton CA  M1824 20 M 44:16.8 +10:24.9+30.75%76.48%
27 437 Jonathan Yuan San Francisco CA  M2529 25 M 45:17.0 +11:25.1+33.72%74.78%
28 415 James Savage Los Banos CA  M0910 10 M 45:19.0 +11:27.1+33.82%74.73%
29 371 Alex Krasnoff San Francisco CA  M2529 26 M 45:26.5 +11:34.6+34.18%74.52%
30 321 Hubert Chaperon San Francisco CA  M3034 30 M 45:26.6 +11:34.7+34.19%74.52%
31 369 John Klabau San Jose CA  Clydesdale 36 M 45:41.1 +11:49.2+34.90%74.13%
32 322 Brian Chaskes San Francisco CA  M2529 26 M 45:42.9 +11:51.0+34.99%74.08%
33 358 Luke Henesy San Francisco CA  MUknown M 45:46.5 +11:54.6+35.17%73.98%
34 305 Michael Baird San Carlos CA  M5054 53 M 45:58.8 +12:06.9+35.77%73.65%
35 438 Jonathan Savage Napa CA  Clydesdale 36 M 47:28.8 +13:36.9+40.20%71.32%
36 434 Sergi Vilanova Duran Dallas TX  M2529 28 M 47:33.4 +13:41.5+40.43%71.21%
37 331 Frank Damrell Modesto CA  M5559 55 M 47:34.4 +13:42.5+40.48%71.18%
38 363 Ryan Jantzen El Dorado Hills CA  Clydesdale 50 M 48:11.9 +14:20.0+42.32%70.26%
39 326 Josh Cook Arcata CA  Clydesdale 44 M 48:15.9 +14:24.0+42.52%70.16%
40 419 James Shimamoto San Francisco CA  M3034 32 M 48:28.3 +14:36.4+43.13%69.87%
41 365 Maciej Karkowski San Jose CA  M4044 43 M 49:00.7 +15:08.8+44.73%69.10%
42 112 David Johnson San Francisco CA  M4044 40 M 49:31.2 +15:39.3+46.23%68.39%
43 409 Carter Refo San Francisco CA  M4549 49 M 49:32.3 +15:40.4+46.28%68.36%
44 325 Brandan Chretien Union City CA  M1824 24 M 49:33.9 +15:42.0+46.36%68.32%
45 432 Rich Thompson Sacramento CA  M4044 40 M 51:52.3 +18:00.4+53.17%65.29%
46 213 Gustavo Trindade Brookline MA  M3034 32 M 52:09.7 +18:17.8+54.03%64.92%
47 393 Brendan Murphy Burlingame CA  M4044 44 M 52:27.5 +18:35.6+54.90%64.56%
48 176 Rich Saint Sacramento CA  M5054 52 M 52:50.1 +18:58.2+56.02%64.10%
49 335 Richard Dobkin Atlanta GA  M6569 67 M 52:57.6 +19:05.7+56.39%63.94%
50 387 Craig Middleton San Rafael CA  M6064 60 M 53:31.7 +19:39.8+58.06%63.27%
51 433 John Tomaich Davis CA  M4549 48 M 54:41.9 +20:50.0+61.52%61.91%
52 411 B.K. Richardson Sacramento CA  M3539 36 M 54:45.9 +20:54.0+61.72%61.84%
53 304 Omid Armani San Francisco CA  M3539 38 M 54:52.9 +21:01.0+62.06%61.71%
54 345 Hugh Fox Oakland CA  Clydesdale 47 M 55:03.4 +21:11.5+62.58%61.51%
55 343 Sean Finson Santa Clara CA  M3034 34 M 55:32.9 +21:41.0+64.03%60.96%
56 431 Kenjiro Matsuo New York NY  M3539 36 M 56:07.3 +22:15.4+65.72%60.34%
57 375 Joshua Loman Seattle WA  M4549 46 M 56:18.2 +22:26.3+66.26%60.15%
58 344 Eric Fitzsimmons Manhattan KS  Clydesdale 34 M 56:59.2 +23:07.3+68.28%59.43%
59 421 Duane Smith Eureka CA  M5054 54 M 57:04.3 +23:12.4+68.53%59.34%
60 391 Bryan Morrison Mulilteo WA  Clydesdale 43 M 58:23.9 +24:32.0+72.44%57.99%
61 359 Theodore Heublein Belmont CA  M6064 61 M 59:48.0 +25:56.1+76.58%56.63%
62 334 Gerry Della Bona San Mateo CA  M6569 66 M 1:01:05.1 +27:13.2+80.38%55.44%
63 351 Nick Greenlee San Francisco CA  Clydesdale 31 M 1:02:00.1 +28:08.2+83.08%54.62%
64 329 Kevin Cwiok Ventura CA  M6064 60 M 1:02:10.2 +28:18.3+83.58%54.47%
65 350 Jon Greenberg Nyack NY  M6064 64 M 1:02:17.3 +28:25.4+83.93%54.37%
66 324 Daniel Chiem Los Angeles CA  M3539 36 M 1:04:40.2 +30:48.3+90.96%52.37%
67 408 Jonathan Pramas Salisbury MA  M4549 46 M 1:09:28.1 +35:36.2+105.13%48.75%
68 104 Robert Ho San Diego CA  M4044 44 M 1:09:48.2 +35:56.3+106.12%48.51%
69 23 Stephen Bower Morgan Hill CA  Clydesdale 27 M 1:10:16.5 +36:24.6+107.52%48.19%
70 116 Christopher Kerscher San Francisco CA  M4044 44 M 1:10:30.9 +36:39.0+108.22%48.03%
71 377 Jim Majewski Rescue CA  Clydesdale 54 M 1:11:32.3 +37:40.4+111.25%47.34%
72 423 Elliot Speirs San Mateo CA  M1824 22 M 1:11:51.2 +37:59.3+112.18%47.13%
73 336 Jim Dorsey Jamaica Plain MA  M7074 72 M 1:12:55.2 +39:03.3+115.33%46.44%
74 378 Chris Marten Carmel IN  M6064 62 M 1:13:09.9 +39:18.0+116.05%46.29%
75 346 Jens Freyler Hamburg Germany  M4549 45 M 1:14:07.8 +40:15.9+118.90%45.68%
76 397 Mike Napier Alamo CA  M6569 66 M 1:16:36.6 +42:44.7+126.22%44.20%
77 394 Akansh Murthy San Francisco CA  M2529 26 M 1:17:54.0 +44:02.1+130.03%43.47%
78 395 Spencer Myer Auckland New Zealand  M4549 45 M 1:18:24.1 +44:32.2+131.51%43.19%
79 426 Jeff Stebbins Lawrence KS  M2529 29 M 1:20:21.9 +46:30.0+137.31%42.14%