Marcialonga 2013 - Age Adjusted

Sunday, January 27, 2013 08:00 (GMT+1) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Skiing - cross-country
Location: Cavalese, Italy
Start type: Interval wave start
Wave grouping: By distance & category
Racers: 5987
Handicap: Age- & gender-graded
Timed on: Notepad
Timed with: Other software
Updated: Saturday, March 23, 2013 21:27 (GMT+1)
Race website:
Race notes
Finish times adjusted using age-based running-records compiled by Allan Jones & others - see

Female times further adjusted by a ratio of male/female records for each age.

To see the actual finish times, click on a green category link, then click on the "Adjusted time" drop-down and choose "Finish time".

To see the handicap values used to multiply the "Finish time" to arrive at the "Adjusted time", click on the "Difference" drop-down and choose "Handicap".
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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Category Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Anders AUKLAND 2:52:30.8 5987
 18-29 Jimmie JOHNSSON 2:59:08.1 470
 30-39 OUREN Geir Ludvig AASEN 2:55:09.5 859
 40-49 Anders AUKLAND 2:52:30.8 1815
 50-59 Daniel SANDOZ 3:00:01.1 1832
 60-69 Bredo GLOMSROD 2:53:29.7 827
 70-.. Arild BRYGGHAUG 3:11:27.1 184