2020 PRG Weekly Race 01-21

tirsdag 21. januar 2020 17:40 (GMT+8) - Startliste

Sport: Padling
Beliggenhet: Ascot, Australia
Starttype: Intervallstart
Løpere: 14
Oppdatert: onsdag 12. februar 2020 12:01 (GMT+8)
Arrangert av: Terry Bolland
Løpets hjemmeside: https://www.facebook.com/groups/298821241018279/
Progressive Racing Group 21st Jan

It was a windy night but it was good to see all the brave paddlers still giving the race a go. Leia was the star tonight. She was nearly two minutes faster than she was a week ago. And look at her time she wasn’t far behind Kate and I think she is only 12 years old. Samuel beat his old man tonight. Brendan was 3 seconds faster on Sunday but Samuel was a second faster tonight.
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Startnummer Løper
Distanse Klasse Wave Kjønn Starttid
- Laurent PALMERO 3 LAP M 0:00
- Joshua RICHARDS 3 LAP M 0:00
- Samuel WELKER 3 LAP M 0:00
- Brendan WELKER 3 LAP M 0:00
- Tim MASON 3 LAP M 0:00
- Lucas WELKER 3 LAP M 0:00
- David BROWN 3 LAP M 0:00
- Kai BULNER 3 LAP M 0:00
- Ray SMITH 3 LAP M 0:00