A backyard ultra running race is where participants consecutively complete the same loop (typically 4.167 miles) in less than one hour. This odd lap distance comes from completing 100 miles in 24 hours.  When each lap is completed, the remaining time within the hour is typically used to recover for the next lap, which starts at the beginning of each full hour.  The objective is to continue as long as you are able to. The winner is who completes the most laps.

Use these settings on Webscorer PRO app so you end up with the completed number of laps, total distance and total time:

Start type = Mass
Multiple distances = Off
Record lap times = On
Number of laps = Time-limited
Exclude laps = Off

On the Results Options page, set

Lap distance = On
Lap length = 4.167 miles  

Example results:

You can select which value is shown on the rightmost column by default by clicking on “Edit race info” menu button on the results page (this button is visible only if signed in as the organizer).

Manual timing

First lap is started by tapping the “Start race” button.
Tap (or key in) each racer’s bib as they complete the lap.
Start all racers remaining at each hour for the next lap. 

RFID or NFC chip timing

First lap is started by tapping the “Start race” button.
Each racer’s lap time is recorded as the chip is detected at the end of each lap.

The antennas should be some distance away from the start area to prevent inadvertent chip detections. You can also use the “Do not detect same chip after lap” timeout to prevent the chip to be redetected while the racer is waiting for the start of the next lap.  You can set this timeout to e.g. 30 minutes.

Since all starts are exactly 60 minutes after the other, it’s not necessary to record the start time for each lap. 

If a racer does not start the next lap

The inventors of the Backyard race call this RTC (Refuse To Continue). 

Tap the “Lap control” toolbar button
Select “Finish racer”
Tap the racer’s bib number

If a racer fails to complete the lap in an hour

Record the racer's lap time as usual
Tap “Lap control” toolbar button
Select “Finish racer”
Tap the racer’s bib number

If a racer fails to complete the full lap

Nothing happens. Theoretically this one is better than the ones who did not start the lap, but this cannot be reflected on the results. The number of laps and the position is unchanged after completion of the previous lap.  Backyard inventors call this DNC (Did Not Complete). 

In all three cases runners are ranked based on their completed lap count and the time of the latest lap completion.

If there’s more than one racer finishing the last lap

Technically there is no winner.  The app will rank the racers on the lead lap based on which racer completed the last lap quicker.

Timing notes

By using the “Fast-tap view” and the “Show splits” view, you can that the number of laps and lap times are consistent.

You can either set “Live results = On” or manually post results every hour after racers have started the next lap. Edit logo, information and last column. Until the last man remains on the loop.

Tapping the DNS-DNF-DSQ toolbar button and choosing DNF has the same effect as selecting “Lap control / Finish racer”.  Anyone who completes at least one lap will be listed in the results – no one will be marked as DNF.

Be careful with the other options in “Lap Control”. If you tap “Set last lap, all runners will be finished at the completion of the next lap time.  If you tap this option by mistake, tap the “Cancel” option in the confirmation popup.  If you inadvertently finish a racer, you can undo this by navigating to the “Results” panel, tap the racer in the results and tap the “Cancel time” toolbar button to return the racer back to the race.  The “Cancel time” will simply undo the ”Finish racer” tap, it will not cancel any recorded lap times. 

It is a good idea to have a manual backup with the bib recording sheets that are available on the Webscorer website at

If you choose by mistake DNS instead of DNF you can reverse it by entering in the Fast tap view and “editing” the time with “Undo DNS”, or by going into the results and choosing “Cancel time”.

“Exclude laps” option

If you want to record the actual time spent running (with the rest periods excluded), then set “Exclude laps = On” in the “Lap Setup” panel.  

The downside is that still will lead to a distorted total time. Also, the option excluding requires (probably) unnecessary timing steps. Runners start all at the same time, not at different times every hour so the starting racers separately on the app is not needed. Also, it is possible that a racer that has done quick laps (and longer resting periods) will do a slower lap time than others who end up with the same number of laps – skewing the order of racers who complete the same number of laps.  It’s simpler to leave Exclude laps = Off.