Thrilla 2013 Week 1 A&B

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013 6:19 (GMT-7) - Lista de salida

Información de la carrera
Deporte: Ciclocross
Ubicación: Bend, OR, Estados Unidos
Tipo de salida: Salida de series por intervalos
Grupo de salida: Por categoría
Corredor: 10
Actualizado: lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013 4:30 (GMT-7)
Organizado por: Kevin Gorman
Web de la carrera:
Notas sobre la carrera
I think we have it pretty good now. I had to move a few riders from B40+ to B because they started in the wrong wave. This race was fast, and had a lot of people. We'll definitely figure out a better way to slow you down near the finish. Damn that was rough. Kudos to Todd, Heidi, and Mark for dealing with that craziness! Some of the lap times aren't exact, but the total time should be about right for everyone. If we missed someone on a lap, and therefore their next lap was twice as long as normal, I just split it, and made both laps the same time. So your exact position after two laps might not be exact, but in the end it all washes out and you still finish where you finished....
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Dorsal Nombre del corredor
Distancia Categoría Wave Edad Hora de salida
141 Serena Bishop All Access Racing  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 34 1:00
209 Renee Scott Sunnyside Sports  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
162 Erica Wescott   Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
215 Mary Angelo Bend Memorial Clinic  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
176 Ali Halpin Sunnyside Sports  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
119 Susanna Julber BMC Total Care Racing Team  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 47 1:00
173 Cary Schwarz Bend Memorial Clinic Total Care Racing T  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
202 Amber Clark Cascade Couriers/Bend Velo  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
185 Holly Pfeiffer Trusty Switchblade  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00
187 Aimee Furber West Coast Women's Cycling p/b Ninkasi  Default 9. Wmn A 9. Wmn A 1:00