2016 Lord of the Fork Race

sobota, 22 października 2016 3:02 PM (GMT-4) - Lista startowa

Informacje o zawodach
Sport: Kajakarstwo – kajak
Lokalizacja: Haysi, VA, USA
Typ startu: Start interwałowy
Zawodnicy: 1
Zaktualizowany: środa, 26 października 2016 10:40 AM (GMT-4)
Komentarze:  1  Zobacz wszystko
Organizowane przez: Eric Henrickson
Strona zawodów: https://www.facebook.com/events/1654804244848747/?ti=icl
Informacje o zawodach
This was the 22nd edition of the Lord of the Fork Race. At 105 racers, we had a record field yet again. It was a fantastic sight to see both sides of the river filled with racers and spectators. The Russell Fork is a special place. Quite a few present were here when the race first began in 1995. One of them was even on the podium.

An event like this takes a team to put on. Thanks are in order to those who helped make it all work:

Stewart Caldwell and JB Seay filled in for Willy Witt at the start. With 30 second intervals and a new timing system, this was a busy job.

James Welch and Gerald Delong headed up safety

It was a pleasure to have Jay Ditty present the awards. As the longest tenured race director, his insights are quite entertaining. He also kept time at the finish line in the event that the computer system failed. I am grateful that it did not, as calculating all those times is a wicked tedious job.

Bob Larkin has done a great job bringing the Rendezvous back to a worthy event. This event is tied to the race. I hope to see it continue to grow.

Jennifer Taylor made and donated our finisher medals. These are unique and beautiful pieces.

Sara Mullett was at the finish and took over 1000 photos of racers. These are worth checking out. I'll have a link to them soon.

Sara and Jay for the starting order. Next year my goal is to successfully implement all of it.

Lila Thomas was key in collecting the bibs. We have several thousand dollars invested here, and they are not easily replaced. Thanks to everyone for being on board.

We were again a bit late on the start. As the race has grown, this has been a challenge to keep things on schedule. Thank you for your patience.

Steve Ruth has maintained the history of the race. This year the 1996 results were discovered. We now have a complete history.

See you next year,
Eric Henrickson
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Nr startowy Zawodnicy
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124 Aaron Erdrich / Caitlin Hollinger Hyside  Raft K / M 1:22:00