Tuesday, February 18, 2025 18:00 (GMT+13)
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Sign on and transponder collection from 5.15pm at the timing van on Durie Road.
Race briefing 5.50pm
First grade start 6pm
A Grade 40km (4 laps)
B Grade 40km (4 laps)
C Grade 30km (3 laps)
D Grade 20km (2 laps)
E Grade 11km (1 lap)
Summer Points
There will be 7 points events between 1 October and 18 March 2025 - ref Calendar. Riders should ideally remain in the same grade for all events. Grade transfers will be permitted but points will not be transferable between grades.Low scoring system. 1st=1 point, 2nd=2 points etc. 5 events to count
Entry fees
$5 for Junior (U19) members, $10 for Junior (U19) non-members
$10 for Adult members, $20 for Adult non-members
Family of members $5 per rider
Please pay to
Bike Manawatu
01 0745 0284925 00 (Name and Race Number as a referecne)
Use this form to send an email to the organizer.
Traffic management for this event is carried out on the basis that the event will not impede or vary normal road use conditions. All road rules will be obeyed and all road signs and regulations will be adhered to, marshals will stop cyclists where required. Riders must keep left at all times and obey without question the instructions of marshals. Riders enter the event at their own risk. Any entrant involved in an accident will not seek to blame or make a claim against the organisers or assist anyone else in making a claim. Each entrant will release the organisers, their officers, volunteers, employees, sponsors or any party associated with the event of any liability, financial or otherwise, for any direct or indirect loss, injury or death which might be sustained from any intended or actual participation in this event or its related activities. Notwithstanding the above, if any legal action does arise related to the event, jurisdiction is in New Zealand courts under New Zealand law. DECLARATION I agree to abide by the above event terms and conditions. I agree to follow all road rules and marshal's directions and in particular keep left of the centre line at all times. I accept that racing will occur on roads that are not closed to the public and non-race traffic. I undertake not interfere with or in any way influence the outcome of any race other than my own grade and not take advantage of other road traffic or obstacles in an attempt to gain unfair advantage. I accept that all handicaps, rider grading and event setup will be solely at the discretion of the event director. I acknowledge that the event director or club officials have at their discretion the right to disqualify or remove points from any rider deemed to have infringed any Terms, Conditions, or Rules as specified. In addition I accept that any rider who behaves in a reckless, abusive, dangerous or socially inappropriate way, may also be sanctioned. I agree that the Bike Manawatu can retain my name and contact details and that they can be supplied to the Ministry of Health should they need to contact trace to support the governments national health response to Covid-19.