2025 Flags for our Fallen 5K Run/Walk

Saturday, May 17, 2025 8:00 AM (GMT-7) - Saturday, May 17, 2025 2:00 PM (GMT-7)

Event info
Sport: Running
Location: Monroe, WA, United States
Registration closes: Friday, May 16, 2025 11:59 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: VFW Post 7511 & Auxiliary
Event website: www.monroe5k.com
Event notes

Date: 5/17/2025

Time: 7:30 AM Registration & set up begins, 9:00 AM race start

Place: Lake Tye Park, 14964 Fryelands Blvd, Monroe, WA 98272

Type: Run/Walk - Live or Virtual Participation 


Ward Roney Jr. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7511 and its Auxiliary are excited to announce the seventh annual Flags for our Fallen 5k run/walk event. Join us on Saturday, May 18, 2024, as we run to remember and honor the lives of the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.


You can participate live or virtually!


You can run/walk yourself, with a friend, or with a group of friends! You'll earn bragging rights, a cool tee-shirt*, and a custom silicone event wristband, all while supporting the mission of Ward Roney Jr. VFW Post 7511.


If you participate virtually, then on (or before) race day you should run/walk a 5k and post photos to your social media (Facebook or Instagram) account with the #Flags4rFallen hashtag.


Register early for extra savings! Registration is $30 through March, $35 starting on April 1, and $40 on or after May 1.


We can only guarantee race tee shirts for those who register before April 14 — kids under 12 are free (no tee shirt provided).


Pre-race tee-shirt pick-up will be available on Friday, May 16, 2025, from 3 to 7 p.m. at 125 E Main Street #101, Monroe, WA 98272.


* There is an additional charge for plus and tall shirts. 


** Please note that you can register multiple racers during the registration process. After you click the Proceed to Next Step button at the bottom of the racer registration, you will see an option to register another racer.

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Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

The entry fee varies - make selections to show the fee.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Age on event date
Phone #
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Event entry fee increases after
March 31, 2025
Event entry fee TBD
Racer 12 or younger?
T-shirts are not included for ages 12 and under, but you have the option to purchase one.
Race Tee-Shirt Size (one free standard size per paid registration, no tee-shirts provided for 12 and under)
0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 2.00 USD 3.00 USD 2.00 USD 2.00 USD 3.00 USD 3.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 2.00 USD 3.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD
Please be aware that there is a small additional charge for non-traditional shirt sizes (e.g., sizes outside of the standard range). This helps cover the cost of custom materials and adjustments.
If a tee-shirt size is not shown, it has been sold out.
We can only guarantee race tee shirts for those who register before April 14, 2025.
Do you want to purchase additional race tee-shirts?
Please be aware that there is a small additional charge for non-traditional shirt sizes (e.g., sizes outside of the standard range). This helps cover the cost of custom materials and adjustments.
If a tee-shirt size is not shown, it has been sold out.
Choose the tee-shirt size you wish to purchase.
0.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD
Choose the tee-shirt size you wish to purchase.
0.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD
Choose the tee-shirt size you wish to purchase.
0.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 32.00 USD 33.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD 30.00 USD
Will you pick up your race packet at the pre-race pick up on May 16, 2025?
Unclaimed packets/merchandise not claimed at the pre-race pick up event or on race day will be discarded; merchandise purchases will be restocked and no refunds will be issued.
Would you like your registration packet mailed to you? We will use the address listed on your registration.
20.00 USD
Packets will be available for pick-up the morning of the event.
Would you like to contribute an additional donation to the VFW?
Are you a veteran of the United States Armed Forces?
What branch of service?
After you calculate your order and sign the waiver acknowledgement, click on the Proceed to next step button.
On the next screen you will have two options to either pay using your PayPal account or a Debit or Credit Card.
Choose the option that works best for you by clicking on the appropriate icon image.
After you calculate your order and sign the waiver acknowledgement, click on the Proceed to next step button.
On the next screen you will have two options to either pay using your PayPal account or a Debit or Credit Card.
Choose the option that works best for you by clicking on the appropriate icon image.
Discount or coupon code
Processing fee
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver
The applicant and his or her estate or heirs agree to hold harmless and indemnify the city of Monroe, the Monroe VFW Flags for our Fallen Committee and Monroe VFW Post 7511 & Auxiliary, including elected officials, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents or representatives, individually or collectively, in both their official and private capacities, from and against any and all claims of liability, including but not limited to loss claim and demands that may accrue from any loss damage or injury (including death) to any person or property in any way resulting from or arising in connection in practice in preparation thereof or while upon, enter or departing from said premises from any cause whatsoever. I know the risk and danger to myself or property while participating or assisting in this event so voluntarily and in reliance, upon my own judgment and ability and I hereby assume all risk for loss damage or injury (including death) to myself and my property from any cause whatsoever. Participants under 18 years of age must have parents or guardians signature next to the participant. I grant permission to VFW Post 7511 & Auxiliary to use photographs or audio/video recordings of me for any legitimate purpose without compensating or further notifying me.
Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
Please enter your name here