Sunday, January 12, 2025 08:00 (GMT+13) - Sunday, January 12, 2025 15:00 (GMT+13)
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will be held on Sunday 12th January. This legendary race is a popular hit out before the Kathmandu Coast to Coast, the Classic is 50km long. Competitors start in waves from Eely Point in Wanaka, across the lake to the outlet and start of the Clutha River. Paddlers are then paddling the Clutha down through Albert Town, Luggate, passed the much anticipated Devil's Elbow and down to Bendigo Reach. Registration 8am - 930am Classic Race Briefing 9.45am First Wave away 10.15am
The Sprint 39km is now a race in its own right it has now grown in numbers that we will run it as a separate race! a race inside a race! Registration will be at race HQ at Eely Point 8am - 930am Alberttown boat ramp carpark Boat and gear check for The Sprint opens at 9:30am - 10.30am The Sprint race briefing 10.45am Which must be attended by all Sprint competitors! Start times will be in Waves depending on handicapping system. Start for first wave away will be approximately 11.15am
A kayak Grade 2 certificate of proficiency or proof of recently competing in Coast to Coast or Clutha Classic is required for anyone entering in either race.
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