Sunday, November 12, 2023
Race start 9:00 am
This event is based at the west end of the beach reserve, adjacent to the beach. The bike course will take in parts of the forest area to the west.
Race Day Timeline
8.00 am Registration and rack bikes
8.45 am Race briefing (ALL competitors MUST attend the race briefing!)
9.00 am Race Start
Following the race, a barbecue will be held, free to competitors. There will also be a small prizegiving (spot prizes only)
Race options:
- Sprint Distance, 750m swim/15-20km mountain bike /5km run
- Short Distance, 250m swim/8-10km mountain bike/2km run
- Duathlon options over both distances
Payment Options Select one:
Pay online Adult or Team non-member ($30) -select this option to pay online either single adult entry or team entry.
Pay online Adult Tri Club member ($20) -select this option to pay online as a club member. Note you must be a registered member to receive the discount. To become a member go to: Nelson Tri Club Membership for race season 2023/2024 You'll need to confirm your club membership.
Pay online Student U18 non-member ($15) -select this option to pay online and receive School Student (U18) discount.
Pay online Student U18 Tri Club member ($10) -select this option to pay online and receive the U18 School Student club discount. Note you must be a registered member to receive the discount. To become a member go to: Nelson Tri Club Membership for race season 2023/2024 You'll need to confirm your club membership.
Pay at event (bring cash on the day of race) -select this option to pay cash on the day of the race. No discounts for this option.
Note to encourage pre-race entries, race day entries will attract a 50% extra penalty and no discounts apply. If you’re uncertain about whether to compete and wish to avoid the late entry penalty, please enter online, selecting 'Pay at Event' under the Payment option. Should you not compete, no charge will be made.
Note: Nelson Triathlon Club has a NO REFUND policy on club events.