1 | 118 | Wymondham X'sWymondham X's | Team | 38 | M |
58:49.2 | --100%42.30%40.77%10:58:34.5 |
2 | 90 | MuddlersMuddlers | Team | 31 | F |
1:02:13.2 | +3:24.0+5.78%94.54%38.96%37.34%10:58:34.5 |
3 | 206 | Diss Fit ClubDiss Fit Club | Team | 25 | M |
1:03:49.6 | +5:00.4+8.51%92.16%37.38%35.72%11:58:14.5 |
4 | 74 | G E Baker UK LtdG E Baker UK Ltd | Team | 42 | F |
1:04:18.0 | +5:28.8+9.32%91.48%36.92%35.25%10:58:34.5 |
5 | 204 | AlvesarmyAlvesarmy | Team | 42 | M |
1:05:09.3 | +6:20.1+10.77%90.28%36.08%34.39%11:58:14.5 |
6 | 67 | dirty boysdirty boys | Team | 24 | M |
1:08:42.7 | +9:53.5+16.82%85.60%32.59%30.81%10:58:34.5 |
7 | 110 | The young and the breathlessThe young and the breathless | Team | 29 | M |
1:09:08.3 | +10:19.1+17.54%85.08%32.17%30.38%10:58:34.5 |
8 | 57 | Anna's JourneyAnna's Journey | Team | 38 | M |
1:10:46.6 | +11:57.4+20.33%83.11%30.56%28.73%10:58:34.5 |
9 | 214 | Pitkin & RuddockPitkin & Ruddock | Team | 30 | M |
1:11:38.7 | +12:49.5+21.80%82.10%29.71%27.85%11:58:14.5 |
10 | 69 | East pointEast point | Team | 45 | M |
1:14:03.6 | +15:14.4+25.91%79.42%27.34%25.42%10:58:34.5 |
11 | 63 | Breakwater BravesBreakwater Braves | Team | 40 | M |
1:17:06.8 | +18:17.6+31.10%76.28%24.35%22.34%10:58:34.5 |
12 | 87 | Mad DogsMad Dogs | Team | 35 | M |
1:17:24.6 | +18:35.4+31.60%75.99%24.06%22.05%10:58:34.5 |
13 | 66 | Chong rigChong rig | Team | 28 | M |
1:19:16.4 | +20:27.2+34.77%74.20%22.23%20.17%10:58:34.5 |
14 | 102 | Team stimoTeam stimo | Team | 50 | F |
1:19:58.9 | +21:09.7+35.98%73.54%21.53%19.46%10:58:34.5 |
15 | 205 | Broadland WineriesBroadland Wineries | Team | 40 | F |
1:20:39.7 | +21:50.5+37.13%72.92%20.87%18.77%11:58:14.5 |
16 | 217 | The NatsThe Nats | Team | 32 | F |
1:21:38.4 | +22:49.2+38.80%72.05%19.91%17.79%11:58:14.5 |
17 | 108 | The Sticky BanditsThe Sticky Bandits | Team | 34 | M |
1:21:45.3 | +22:56.1+38.99%71.95%19.79%17.67%10:58:34.5 |
18 | 207 | Fellington girlsFellington girls | Team | 38 | F |
1:25:06.0 | +26:16.8+44.68%69.12%16.51%14.30%11:58:14.5 |
19 | 98 | Studio 24Studio 24 | Team | 32 | M |
1:25:35.4 | +26:46.2+45.51%68.72%16.03%13.81%10:58:34.5 |
20 | 115 | Welly mucky racesWelly mucky races | Team | 45 | F |
1:28:02.0 | +29:12.8+49.67%66.82%13.64%11.35%10:58:34.5 |
1:28:47.8 | +29:58.6+50.96%66.24%12.89%10.58%10:58:34.5 |
22 | 109 | The TrottersThe Trotters | Team | 41 | M |
1:30:53.0 | +32:03.8+54.51%64.72%10.84%8.48%10:58:34.5 |
23 | 113 | VIKING FITNESSVIKING FITNESS | Team | 33 | F |
1:31:05.5 | +32:16.3+54.87%64.57%10.64%8.27%10:58:34.5 |
24 | 100 | TEAM ARPTEAM ARP | Team | 35 | M |
1:31:15.7 | +32:26.5+55.15%64.45%10.47%8.10%10:58:34.5 |
25 | 101 | Team ARP LadiesTeam ARP Ladies | Team | 48 | F |
1:31:22.2 | +32:33.0+55.34%64.38%10.36%7.99%10:58:34.5 |
26 | 79 | HawkerHawker | Team | 35 | M |
1:31:25.1 | +32:35.9+55.42%64.34%10.31%7.94%10:58:34.5 |
27 | 88 | Mark Ewin Estate AgentsMark Ewin Estate Agents | Team | 42 | F |
1:31:38.7 | +32:49.5+55.81%64.18%10.09%7.71%10:58:34.5 |
28 | 86 | Lovewell BlakeLovewell Blake | Team | 41 | F |
1:31:52.2 | +33:03.0+56.19%64.03%9.87%7.48%10:58:34.5 |
29 | 55 | A for effort!A for effort! | Team | 31 | F |
1:34:23.4 | +35:34.2+60.47%62.32%7.40%4.95%10:58:34.5 |
30 | 61 | Beccles BarbariansBeccles Barbarians | Team | 18 | F |
1:34:28.1 | +35:38.9+60.61%62.26%7.32%4.87%10:58:34.5 |
31 | 62 | Boston's FinestBoston's Finest | Team | 23 | F |
1:35:07.2 | +36:18.0+61.71%61.84%6.68%4.21%10:58:34.5 |
1:36:53.6 | +38:04.4+64.73%60.71%4.94%2.43%11:58:14.5 |
33 | 212 | Muddy Mums & Dirty DadsMuddy Mums & Dirty Dads | Team | 32 | F |
1:37:01.8 | +38:12.6+64.96%60.62%4.81%2.29%11:58:14.5 |
34 | 203 | AkomaAkoma | Team | 40 | F |
1:38:03.4 | +39:14.2+66.71%59.99%3.80%1.25%11:58:14.5 |
35 | 215 | Sh*tesurfersSh*tesurfers | Team | 35 | M |
1:38:06.4 | +39:17.2+66.79%59.96%3.75%1.20%11:58:14.5 |
36 | 83 | KrakenKraken | Team | 30 | M |
1:40:29.8 | +41:40.6+70.85%58.53%1.41%-1.20%10:58:34.5 |
37 | 94 | Pluses and DisplusesPluses and Displuses | Team | 30 | M |
1:40:39.9 | +41:50.7+71.14%58.43%1.24%-1.37%10:58:34.5 |
38 | 117 | Wuffum WarriorsWuffum Warriors | Team | 41 | F |
1:41:56.7 | +43:07.5+73.32%57.70%-0.01%-2.66%10:58:34.5 |
39 | 82 | IP5PosseIP5Posse | Team | 51 | M |
1:42:07.9 | +43:18.7+73.63%57.59%-0.20%-2.85%10:58:34.5 |
40 | 59 | Balfour BeattyBalfour Beatty | Team | 37 | M |
1:43:08.3 | +44:19.1+75.35%57.03%-1.18%-3.86%10:58:34.5 |
41 | 97 | run4yourliferun4yourlife | Team | 36 | F |
1:43:16.7 | +44:27.5+75.58%56.95%-1.32%-4.00%10:58:34.5 |
42 | 104 | The Cambridge Building SocietyThe Cambridge Building Society | Team | 23 | M |
1:44:43.0 | +45:53.8+78.03%56.17%-2.73%-5.45%10:58:34.5 |
43 | 111 | Thorpe TravelThorpe Travel | Team | 32 | F |
1:45:22.3 | +46:33.1+79.14%55.82%-3.37%-6.11%10:58:34.5 |
44 | 58 | Axa starsAxa stars | Team | 25 | F |
1:46:04.0 | +47:14.8+80.32%55.46%-4.06%-6.81%10:58:34.5 |
45 | 75 | Hansells MudlawsHansells Mudlaws | Team | 39 | F |
1:46:27.2 | +47:38.0+80.98%55.25%-4.44%-7.20%10:58:34.5 |
46 | 211 | Mud, Sweat and FendercareiansMud, Sweat and Fendercareians | Team | 38 | F |
1:47:57.7 | +49:08.5+83.55%54.48%-5.92%-8.72%11:58:14.5 |
47 | 112 | Those that mud together stay togetherThose that mud together stay together | Team | 27 | M |
1:48:06.1 | +49:16.9+83.78%54.41%-6.05%-8.86%10:58:34.5 |
48 | 114 | Water BabiesWater Babies | Team | 36 | F |
1:48:21.7 | +49:32.5+84.23%54.28%-6.31%-9.12%10:58:34.5 |
49 | 216 | The Hare and The TortoiseThe Hare and The Tortoise | Team | 31 | F |
1:49:16.7 | +50:27.5+85.78%53.83%-7.21%-10.05%11:58:14.5 |
50 | 92 | Newmarket Mighty DucksNewmarket Mighty Ducks | Team | 21 | F |
1:50:47.3 | +51:58.1+88.35%53.09%-8.69%-11.57%10:58:34.5 |
51 | 89 | Mud FathersMud Fathers | Team | 28 | M |
1:51:10.1 | +52:20.9+89.00%52.91%-9.06%-11.95%10:58:34.5 |
52 | 56 | AirheadsAirheads | Team | 58 | F |
1:53:15.3 | +54:26.1+92.55%51.94%-11.11%-14.05%10:58:34.5 |
53 | 105 | The can can girlsThe can can girls | Team | 35 | F |
1:54:46.0 | +55:56.8+95.12%51.25%-12.59%-15.57%10:58:34.5 |
54 | 77 | Harrison Group - 5mileHarrison Group - 5mile | Team | 22 | F |
1:56:57.1 | +58:07.9+98.83%50.29%-14.73%-17.77%10:58:34.5 |
55 | 210 | I thought this was 5kI thought this was 5k | Team | 25 | F |
1:58:35.2 | +59:46.0+101.61%49.60%-16.34%-19.42%11:58:14.5 |
56 | 116 | Wensum and then sumWensum and then sum | Team | 51 | F |
2:02:01.5 | +1:03:12.3+107.45%48.20%-19.71%-22.88%10:58:34.5 |
57 | 208 | Genesis and FriendsGenesis and Friends | Team | 23 | F |
2:04:26.7 | +1:05:37.5+111.57%47.27%-22.09%-25.32%11:58:14.5 |
58 | 107 | The Soham SavagesThe Soham Savages | Team | 29 | M |
2:05:09.6 | +1:06:20.4+112.78%47.00%-22.79%-26.04%10:58:34.5 |
59 | 84 | Lab ratsLab rats | Team | 39 | F |
2:12:51.9 | +1:14:02.7+125.88%44.27%-30.35%-33.80%10:58:34.5 |
60 | 91 | Muddy MoronsMuddy Morons | Team | 38 | F |
2:14:32.2 | +1:15:43.0+128.73%43.72%-31.99%-35.48%10:58:34.5 |
61 | 93 | OculetsOculets | Team | 38 | F |
2:15:45.3 | +1:16:56.1+130.80%43.33%-33.18%-36.71%10:58:34.5 |
62 | 72 | Fit CampersFit Campers | Team | 25 | F |
2:15:55.8 | +1:17:06.6+131.09%43.27%-33.35%-36.89%10:58:34.5 |
63 | 65 | Bychoice WarriorsBychoice Warriors | Team | 34 | M |
2:17:34.2 | +1:18:45.0+133.88%42.76%-34.96%-38.54%10:58:34.5 |
64 | 80 | Heritage 5 milersHeritage 5 milers | Team | 47 | M |
2:20:45.0 | +1:21:55.8+139.29%41.79%-38.08%-41.74%10:58:34.5 |
65 | 99 | Suffolk Roller DerbySuffolk Roller Derby | Team | 27 | F |
2:21:39.3 | +1:22:50.1+140.83%41.52%-38.97%-42.65%10:58:34.5 |
66 | 71 | Fens FalconryFens Falconry | Team | 26 | M |
2:21:47.5 | +1:22:58.3+141.06%41.48%-39.10%-42.79%10:58:34.5 |
67 | 103 | Team82Team82 | Team | 34 | F |
2:32:50.4 | +1:34:01.2+159.84%38.48%-49.94%-53.91%10:58:34.5 |
68 | 76 | Happy DaysHappy Days | Team | 18 | F |
2:32:55.6 | +1:34:06.4+159.99%38.46%-50.03%-54.00%10:58:34.5 |
69 | 53 | #ForThomas#ForThomas | Team | 36 | F |
2:36:21.8 | +1:37:32.6+165.83%37.62%-53.40%-57.46%10:58:34.5 |
70 | 73 | Frozen AssetsFrozen Assets | Team | 36 | F |
2:39:32.9 | +1:40:43.7+171.25%36.87%-56.52%-60.67%10:58:34.5 |