Great Caribou Bog Ski Race - Classic 2023

Sunday, February 5, 2023 10:00 AM (GMT-5) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Skiing - cross-country
Location: Boston, MA, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 43
Timed on: samsung SM-T387V
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.9
Updated: Sunday, February 5, 2023 8:22 PM (GMT-5)
Organized by: Penobscot Valley Ski Club
Race website:

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  • 10K - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
130Ruth White16 - 1916F 46:31.9--100%43.42%42.80%10:00:09.7
210Clara White11 - 1514F 51:42.5+5:10.6+11.13%89.99%37.12%36.44%10:00:09.7
341Kyle McClellan16 - 19M 54:48.7+8:16.8+17.79%84.89%33.35%32.63%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
130Ruth White16 - 1916F 46:31.9--100%43.48%47.93%10:00:09.7
210Clara White11 - 1514F 51:42.5+5:10.6+11.13%89.99%37.20%42.14%10:00:09.7
340Rachel UmphreyM2 ages 35 - 39F 1:06:02.8+19:30.9+41.94%70.45%19.78%26.09%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - 11 - 15
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
110Clara White11 - 1514F 51:42.5--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - 16 - 19
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
130Ruth White16 - 1916F 46:31.9--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - M2 ages 35 - 39
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
140Rachel UmphreyM2 ages 35 - 39F 1:06:02.8--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - M3 ages 40 - 44
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
127Pauline KamathM3 ages 40 - 4444F 1:29:22.0--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - M4 ages 45 - 49
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
138Linda BasilicatoM4 ages 45 - 49F 1:34:46.9--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - M7 ages 60 - 64
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
143Susan EliasM7 ages 60 - 64F 1:06:21.8--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - M8 ages 65 - 69
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
18Christy StoutM8 ages 65 - 6967F 1:43:45.2--100%11.59%11.59%10:00:09.7
222Margo LukensM8 ages 65 - 6967F 2:10:57.3+27:12.1+26.22%79.23%-11.59%-11.59%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Female - SR ages 20 - 29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
111Colby Bosley-SmithSR ages 20 - 2924F 1:31:28.8--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
141Kyle McClellan16 - 19M 54:48.7--100%33.28%32.60%10:00:09.7
239Tim WaringM4 ages 45 - 4945M 55:55.1+1:06.4+2.02%98.02%31.94%31.24%10:00:09.7
318Jeremy MarkusonM3 ages 40 - 4443M 56:29.4+1:40.7+3.06%97.03%31.24%30.54%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - 16 - 19
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
141Kyle McClellan16 - 19M 54:48.7--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M11 ages 80 - 84
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
142Bob SalesiM11 ages 80 - 8481M 1:21:22.9--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M12 ages 85 - 89
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
15Bucky OwenM12 ages 85 - 8985M 1:47:55.0--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M3 ages 40 - 44
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
118Jeremy MarkusonM3 ages 40 - 4443M 56:29.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M4 ages 45 - 49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
139Tim WaringM4 ages 45 - 4945M 55:55.1--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M5 ages 50 - 54
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
17Christopher ReidyM5 ages 50 - 5450M 59:02.6--100%4.34%4.34%10:00:09.7
229Rob FreemanM5 ages 50 - 54M 1:04:24.0+5:21.4+9.07%91.68%-4.34%-4.34%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M6 ages 55 - 59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
131Scott WilkersonM6 ages 55 - 5957M 2:11:11.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - M9 ages 70 - 74
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
133Stephen PhisterM9 ages 70 - 7471M 1:21:19.5--100%9.53%9.53%10:00:09.7
212Daniel CassidyM9 ages 70 - 7474M 1:38:27.7+17:08.2+21.07%82.60%-9.53%-9.53%10:00:09.7
  • 10K Male - SR ages 20 - 29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
113Diego Zamudio AyalaSR ages 20 - 2928M 1:52:47.3--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
134Tyson WeemsM4 ages 45 - 4947M 1:30:02.1--100%32.66%35.18%10:00:09.7
232Sean LenaM2 ages 35 - 3939M 1:46:44.3+16:42.2+18.55%84.35%20.17%23.15%10:00:09.7
344Tom CassidyM3 ages 40 - 44M 1:52:07.1+22:05.0+24.53%80.30%16.14%19.28%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
145Joelle ZuhlkeM1 ages 30 - 34F 1:54:16.2--100%21.50%19.75%10:00:09.7
29Cipperly GoodM3 ages 40 - 4444F 2:11:43.4+17:27.2+15.27%86.75%9.51%7.49%10:00:09.7
36Charlotte ClewsM4 ages 45 - 4947F 2:20:43.4+26:27.2+23.15%81.20%3.33%1.17%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M1 ages 30 - 34
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
145Joelle ZuhlkeM1 ages 30 - 34F 1:54:16.2--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M10 ages 75 - 79
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
136Rose BuckinghamM10 ages 75 - 79F 3:08:20.3--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M3 ages 40 - 44
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
19Cipperly GoodM3 ages 40 - 4444F 2:11:43.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M4 ages 45 - 49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
16Charlotte ClewsM4 ages 45 - 4947F 2:20:43.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M6 ages 55 - 59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
11Amy DifrancescoM6 ages 55 - 5959F 2:24:03.0--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Female - M7 ages 60 - 64
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
120Karen FrancoeurM7 ages 60 - 6462F 2:34:17.3--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
134Tyson WeemsM4 ages 45 - 4947M 1:30:02.1--100%27.11%25.30%10:00:09.7
232Sean LenaM2 ages 35 - 3939M 1:46:44.3+16:42.2+18.55%84.35%13.59%11.44%10:00:09.7
344Tom CassidyM3 ages 40 - 44M 1:52:07.1+22:05.0+24.53%80.30%9.24%6.98%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - M2 ages 35 - 39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
132Sean LenaM2 ages 35 - 3939M 1:46:44.3--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - M3 ages 40 - 44
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
144Tom CassidyM3 ages 40 - 44M 1:52:07.1--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - M4 ages 45 - 49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
134Tyson WeemsM4 ages 45 - 4947M 1:30:02.1--100%21.34%21.34%10:00:09.7
224Matthew DamonM4 ages 45 - 4948M 2:18:53.4+48:51.3+54.26%64.82%-21.34%-21.34%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - M7 ages 60 - 64
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
126Paul MoultonM7 ages 60 - 6464M 2:26:17.8--100%1.28%1.28%10:00:09.7
215Jack RawcliffeM7 ages 60 - 6462M 2:30:05.1+3:47.3+2.59%97.48%-1.28%-1.28%10:00:09.7
  • 21K Male - M9 ages 70 - 74
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
128Rich BarkerM9 ages 70 - 7470M 2:00:31.7--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
114Greg HarkayM2 ages 35 - 3939M 2:29:37.4--100%17.33%14.36%10:00:09.7
24Bryant TollesM5 ages 50 - 5454M 2:44:19.4+14:42.0+9.82%91.05%9.21%5.95%10:00:09.7
317Jeff OwenM6 ages 55 - 5957M 2:53:13.4+23:36.0+15.77%86.38%4.29%0.85%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
121Kate LockeM3 ages 40 - 4444F 3:35:47.2--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Female - M3 ages 40 - 44
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
121Kate LockeM3 ages 40 - 4444F 3:35:47.2--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
114Greg HarkayM2 ages 35 - 3939M 2:29:37.4--100%14.59%13.99%10:00:09.7
24Bryant TollesM5 ages 50 - 5454M 2:44:19.4+14:42.0+9.82%91.05%6.20%5.54%10:00:09.7
317Jeff OwenM6 ages 55 - 5957M 2:53:13.4+23:36.0+15.77%86.38%1.12%0.43%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - M2 ages 35 - 39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
114Greg HarkayM2 ages 35 - 3939M 2:29:37.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - M5 ages 50 - 54
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
14Bryant TollesM5 ages 50 - 5454M 2:44:19.4--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - M6 ages 55 - 59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
117Jeff OwenM6 ages 55 - 5957M 2:53:13.4--100%9.84%9.84%10:00:09.7
235William DoughertyM6 ages 55 - 5955M 3:31:02.0+37:48.6+21.83%82.08%-9.84%-9.84%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - M8 ages 65 - 69
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
123Mark LenaM8 ages 65 - 6967M 2:54:42.9--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7
  • 33K Male - M9 ages 70 - 74
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
13Bruce KatzM9 ages 70 - 7471M 2:58:12.0--100%0.00%0.00%10:00:09.7