IoERC Ely Head 2017_ Divisions 2 & 3

Sunday, November 5, 2017 09:30 (GMT+0) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Rowing
Location: Queen Adelaide, United Kingdom
Start type: Individual start
Racers: 68
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO
Updated: Monday, November 6, 2017 15:22 (GMT+0)

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IoERC Ely Head 2017_ Divisions 2 & 3

  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1200CAB-RUDKINCantabrigian Rowing Club 4x- 18:00.9--100%20.97%20.69%
2203CAB-HETHERINGTONCantabrigian Rowing Club 4+ 19:10.1+1:09.2+6.40%93.98%15.91%15.61%
3254Jesus IV-Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4- 19:33.7+1:32.8+8.59%92.09%14.18%13.88%
4250Jesus W1Jesus College (Cambridge) BC W.8+ 19:58.1+1:57.2+10.84%90.22%12.40%12.09%
5204XPR GoyderX-Press Boat Club MasC.4- 20:04.4+2:03.5+11.43%89.75%11.94%11.63%
6255Jesus 1st IV+Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4+ 20:12.3+2:11.4+12.16%89.16%11.36%11.05%
7251Newnham W1Newnham College Boat Club W.8+ 20:24.3+2:23.4+13.27%88.29%10.48%10.17%
8207XPR - WarwickX-Press Boat Club MasE.4+ 20:26.8+2:25.9+13.50%88.11%10.30%9.99%
9253IEL-KEARNEYIsle of Ely Rowing Club MasC.4x- 20:37.2+2:36.3+14.46%87.37%9.54%9.22%
10201KSE-TARSHISH-2Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club W.4x- 20:37.5+2:36.6+14.49%87.35%9.52%9.20%
11263CAB-ADAMSCantabrigian Rowing Club 1x 20:48.7+2:47.8+15.52%86.56%8.70%8.38%
12202CAB-COOPERCantabrigian Rowing Club W.4- 20:53.7+2:52.8+15.99%86.22%8.33%8.01%
13208CHA-QUADPROQUOChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasD.4x- 21:00.3+2:59.4+16.60%85.77%7.85%7.53%
14276GRT-PAULGranta Boat Club 1x 21:16.3+3:15.4+18.08%84.69%6.68%6.35%
15265RAF-CARPENTERRoyal Air Force Rowing Club 1x 21:20.0+3:19.1+18.42%84.45%6.41%6.08%
16273GRT-ROEGranta Boat Club 1x 21:29.2+3:28.3+19.27%83.84%5.74%5.41%
17264GRT-PHILPOTTGranta Boat Club 1x 21:30.0+3:29.1+19.34%83.79%5.68%5.35%
18205IEL-LITTLEWOODIsle of Ely Rowing Club 4x- 21:35.1+3:34.2+19.82%83.46%5.30%4.97%
19280ROB-GRÄFRob Roy Boat Club J17.1x 21:37.0+3:36.1+19.99%83.34%5.17%4.84%
20267GRT-HUTHMACHERGranta Boat Club 1x 21:43.8+3:42.9+20.62%82.90%4.67%4.34%
21270GRT-VIBHISHANANGranta Boat Club 1x 21:44.7+3:43.8+20.70%82.85%4.60%4.27%
22274GRT-SPROSSMANNGranta Boat Club 1x 21:45.2+3:44.3+20.75%82.81%4.57%4.23%
23281ROB-TAYLORRob Roy Boat Club J16.1x 21:49.0+3:48.1+21.10%82.57%4.29%3.95%
24258YChesterton Rowing Club 4+ 21:53.8+3:52.9+21.55%82.27%3.94%3.60%
25233CAB-MCCREE-GREYCantabrigian Rowing Club 1x 21:55.8+3:54.9+21.73%82.15%3.79%3.46%
26282ROB-GRAFRob Roy Boat Club MasC.1x 21:56.2+3:55.3+21.77%82.12%3.76%3.43%
27214CAB-PLUNKETTCantabrigian Rowing Club W.1x 22:09.8+4:08.9+23.03%81.28%2.77%2.43%
28269GRT-KONINXGranta Boat Club 1x 22:10.0+4:09.1+23.05%81.27%2.75%2.41%
29266GRT-VAN VELDHOVENGranta Boat Club 1x 22:10.9+4:10.0+23.13%81.22%2.69%2.35%
30268GRT-SHOESMITHGranta Boat Club 1x 22:12.1+4:11.2+23.24%81.14%2.60%2.26%
31252Jesus W2Jesus College (Cambridge) BC W.8+ 22:29.3+4:28.4+24.83%80.11%1.34%1.00%
32231CHA-JONESChampion Of The Thames RC MasE.1x 22:32.5+4:31.6+25.13%79.92%1.11%0.76%
33256Jesus 2nd IV+Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4+ 22:34.5+4:33.6+25.31%79.80%0.96%0.62%
34257XChesterton Rowing Club 4+ 22:38.5+4:37.6+25.68%79.57%0.67%0.32%
35232j farrellSt Neots Rowing Club MasF.1x 22:47.3+4:46.4+26.50%79.05%0.02%-0.32%
36260KSE-MILLARDKings School Ely, The, Boat Club J17.1x 22:48.3+4:47.4+26.59%79.00%-0.05%-0.40%
37277CHA-Mills-JonesChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasE.2x 22:53.0+4:52.1+27.02%78.73%-0.39%-0.74%
38215GRT-THOMPSONGranta Boat Club W.1x 22:54.6+4:53.7+27.17%78.63%-0.51%-0.86%
39210IEL-JOHNSONIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.J18.1x 23:01.4+5:00.5+27.80%78.25%-1.01%-1.36%
40211IEL-TOMPKINSIsle of Ely Rowing Club J17.1x 23:06.0+5:05.1+28.23%77.99%-1.34%-1.69%
41262WEC-WHEATLEYWelbeck College Boat Club Mx.J18.2x 23:08.9+5:08.0+28.49%77.82%-1.55%-1.91%
42228IEL-WILLIAMSONIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.2- 23:11.0+5:10.1+28.69%77.71%-1.71%-2.06%
43278CHA-MILLAR-REEDChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasE.2x 23:22.8+5:21.9+29.78%77.05%-2.57%-2.93%
44222GRT-PYGOTTGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:35.4+5:34.5+30.95%76.37%-3.49%-3.85%
45219GRT-HAMILTONGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:40.4+5:39.5+31.41%76.10%-3.86%-4.22%
46272GRT-COWIEGranta Boat Club 1x 23:45.7+5:44.8+31.90%75.82%-4.25%-4.61%
47284RAF-ROBINSON-2Royal Air Force Rowing Club W.2x 23:46.2+5:45.3+31.95%75.79%-4.28%-4.64%
48216GRT-GODDENGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:52.4+5:51.5+32.52%75.46%-4.74%-5.10%
49234CHA-MILLSChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasE.1x 23:57.1+5:56.2+32.95%75.21%-5.08%-5.44%
50285RAF-ROBINSONRoyal Air Force Rowing Club W.2x 23:58.6+5:57.7+33.09%75.14%-5.19%-5.55%
51223GRT-APSLEYGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:01.1+6:00.2+33.32%75.01%-5.37%-5.74%
52227XPR-OlgaX-Press Boat Club W.MasC.2x 24:02.3+6:01.4+33.44%74.94%-5.46%-5.83%
53224GRT-BRETTGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:05.6+6:04.7+33.74%74.77%-5.70%-6.07%
54279RAF-JACKMANRoyal Air Force Rowing Club 2- 24:13.4+6:12.5+34.46%74.37%-6.27%-6.64%
55226IEL-DAYIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.1x 24:14.6+6:13.7+34.57%74.31%-6.36%-6.73%
56221GRT-FOXGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:17.7+6:16.8+34.86%74.15%-6.59%-6.96%
57286KitchingCambridge 99 Rowing Club W.MasB.2x 24:21.4+6:20.5+35.20%73.96%-6.86%-7.23%
58229WNO-BondWest Norfolk Rowing Club MasD.1x 24:30.0+6:29.1+36.00%73.53%-7.48%-7.86%
59259CRC-TURVILLChesterton Rowing Club W.4+ 24:41.4+6:40.5+37.05%72.96%-8.32%-8.69%
60218GRT-HARTWELLGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:46.6+6:45.7+37.53%72.71%-8.70%-9.08%
61225GRT-DIXONGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:49.9+6:49.0+37.84%72.55%-8.94%-9.32%
62283SIV-MADDISONSt Ives Rowing Club W.J17.1x 25:00.9+7:00.0+38.86%72.02%-9.74%-10.13%
63220GRT-DODDSGranta Boat Club W.1x 25:11.9+7:11.0+39.87%71.49%-10.55%-10.93%
64237WNO-MDouble-TORWest Norfolk Rowing Club 2x 25:40.4+7:39.5+42.51%70.17%-12.63%-13.02%
65288IEL-LITTLEWOOD-2Isle of Ely Rowing Club MasG.2- 26:01.0+8:00.1+44.42%69.24%-14.14%-14.54%
66206WNO-MQuad-plusWest Norfolk Rowing Club 4x+ 27:11.1+9:10.2+50.90%66.27%-19.26%-19.68%
67287CHA-BURNSTEIN-NEWELLChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasC.2x 28:14.0+10:13.1+56.72%63.81%-23.86%-24.29%
68289CHA-AXWORTHYChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasF.1x 28:25.4+10:24.5+57.78%63.38%-24.70%-25.13%
  • 1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1263CAB-ADAMSCantabrigian Rowing Club 1x 20:48.7--100%4.69%4.29%
2276GRT-PAULGranta Boat Club 1x 21:16.3+0:27.6+2.21%97.84%2.59%2.18%
3265RAF-CARPENTERRoyal Air Force Rowing Club 1x 21:20.0+0:31.3+2.51%97.55%2.30%1.89%
4273GRT-ROEGranta Boat Club 1x 21:29.2+0:40.5+3.24%96.86%1.60%1.19%
5264GRT-PHILPOTTGranta Boat Club 1x 21:30.0+0:41.3+3.31%96.80%1.54%1.13%
6267GRT-HUTHMACHERGranta Boat Club 1x 21:43.8+0:55.1+4.41%95.77%0.49%0.07%
7270GRT-VIBHISHANANGranta Boat Club 1x 21:44.7+0:56.0+4.48%95.71%0.42%0.00%
8274GRT-SPROSSMANNGranta Boat Club 1x 21:45.2+0:56.5+4.52%95.67%0.38%-0.04%
9233CAB-MCCREE-GREYCantabrigian Rowing Club 1x 21:55.8+1:07.1+5.37%94.90%-0.43%-0.85%
10269GRT-KONINXGranta Boat Club 1x 22:10.0+1:21.3+6.51%93.89%-1.51%-1.94%
11266GRT-VAN VELDHOVENGranta Boat Club 1x 22:10.9+1:22.2+6.58%93.82%-1.58%-2.01%
12268GRT-SHOESMITHGranta Boat Club 1x 22:12.1+1:23.4+6.68%93.74%-1.67%-2.10%
13272GRT-COWIEGranta Boat Club 1x 23:45.7+2:57.0+14.17%87.59%-8.82%-9.27%
  • 2-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1279RAF-JACKMANRoyal Air Force Rowing Club 2- 24:13.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • 2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1237WNO-MDouble-TORWest Norfolk Rowing Club 2x 25:40.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • 4-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1254Jesus IV-Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4- 19:33.7--100%0.00%0.00%
  • 4+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1203CAB-HETHERINGTONCantabrigian Rowing Club 4+ 19:10.1--100%10.00%12.46%
2255Jesus 1st IV+Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4+ 20:12.3+1:02.2+5.41%94.87%5.13%7.73%
3258YChesterton Rowing Club 4+ 21:53.8+2:43.7+14.23%87.54%-2.81%0.00%
4256Jesus 2nd IV+Jesus College (Cambridge) BC 4+ 22:34.5+3:24.4+17.77%84.91%-6.00%-3.10%
5257XChesterton Rowing Club 4+ 22:38.5+3:28.4+18.12%84.66%-6.31%-3.40%
  • 4x-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1200CAB-RUDKINCantabrigian Rowing Club 4x- 18:00.9--100%9.02%9.02%
2205IEL-LITTLEWOODIsle of Ely Rowing Club 4x- 21:35.1+3:34.2+19.82%83.46%-9.02%-9.02%
  • 4x+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1206WNO-MQuad-plusWest Norfolk Rowing Club 4x+ 27:11.1--100%0.00%0.00%
  • J16.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1281ROB-TAYLORRob Roy Boat Club J16.1x 21:49.0--100%0.00%0.00%
  • J17.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1280ROB-GRÄFRob Roy Boat Club J17.1x 21:37.0--100%3.96%5.21%
2260KSE-MILLARDKings School Ely, The, Boat Club J17.1x 22:48.3+1:11.3+5.50%94.79%-1.32%0.00%
3211IEL-TOMPKINSIsle of Ely Rowing Club J17.1x 23:06.0+1:29.0+6.86%93.58%-2.63%-1.29%
  • MasC.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1282ROB-GRAFRob Roy Boat Club MasC.1x 21:56.2--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasC.4-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1204XPR GoyderX-Press Boat Club MasC.4- 20:04.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasC.4x-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1253IEL-KEARNEYIsle of Ely Rowing Club MasC.4x- 20:37.2--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasD.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1229WNO-BondWest Norfolk Rowing Club MasD.1x 24:30.0--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasE.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1231CHA-JONESChampion Of The Thames RC MasE.1x 22:32.5--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasE.4+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1207XPR - WarwickX-Press Boat Club MasE.4+ 20:26.8--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasF.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1232j farrellSt Neots Rowing Club MasF.1x 22:47.3--100%0.00%0.00%
  • MasG.2-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1288IEL-LITTLEWOOD-2Isle of Ely Rowing Club MasG.2- 26:01.0--100%0.00%0.00%
  • Mx.J18.2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1262WEC-WHEATLEYWelbeck College Boat Club Mx.J18.2x 23:08.9--100%0.00%0.00%
  • Mx.MasD.4x-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1208CHA-QUADPROQUOChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasD.4x- 21:00.3--100%0.00%0.00%
  • Mx.MasE.2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1277CHA-Mills-JonesChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasE.2x 22:53.0--100%1.07%1.07%
2278CHA-MILLAR-REEDChampion Of The Thames RC Mx.MasE.2x 23:22.8+0:29.8+2.17%97.88%-1.07%-1.07%
  • W.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1214CAB-PLUNKETTCantabrigian Rowing Club W.1x 22:09.8--100%7.55%7.87%
2215GRT-THOMPSONGranta Boat Club W.1x 22:54.6+0:44.8+3.37%96.74%4.43%4.76%
3222GRT-PYGOTTGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:35.4+1:25.6+6.44%93.95%1.59%1.94%
4219GRT-HAMILTONGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:40.4+1:30.6+6.81%93.62%1.25%1.59%
5216GRT-GODDENGranta Boat Club W.1x 23:52.4+1:42.6+7.72%92.84%0.41%0.76%
6223GRT-APSLEYGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:01.1+1:51.3+8.37%92.28%-0.19%0.16%
7224GRT-BRETTGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:05.6+1:55.8+8.71%91.99%-0.51%-0.16%
8226IEL-DAYIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.1x 24:14.6+2:04.8+9.38%91.42%-1.13%-0.78%
9221GRT-FOXGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:17.7+2:07.9+9.62%91.23%-1.35%-0.99%
10218GRT-HARTWELLGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:46.6+2:36.8+11.79%89.45%-3.36%-3.00%
11225GRT-DIXONGranta Boat Club W.1x 24:49.9+2:40.1+12.04%89.25%-3.59%-3.23%
12220GRT-DODDSGranta Boat Club W.1x 25:11.9+3:02.1+13.69%87.96%-5.11%-4.75%
  • W.2-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1228IEL-WILLIAMSONIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.2- 23:11.0--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1284RAF-ROBINSON-2Royal Air Force Rowing Club W.2x 23:46.2--100%0.43%0.43%
2285RAF-ROBINSONRoyal Air Force Rowing Club W.2x 23:58.6+0:12.4+0.87%99.14%-0.43%-0.43%
  • W.4-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1202CAB-COOPERCantabrigian Rowing Club W.4- 20:53.7--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.4+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1259CRC-TURVILLChesterton Rowing Club W.4+ 24:41.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.4x-
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1201KSE-TARSHISH-2Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club W.4x- 20:37.5--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.8+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1250Jesus W1Jesus College (Cambridge) BC W.8+ 19:58.1--100%4.70%2.14%
2251Newnham W1Newnham College Boat Club W.8+ 20:24.3+0:26.2+2.19%97.86%2.62%0.00%
3252Jesus W2Jesus College (Cambridge) BC W.8+ 22:29.3+2:31.2+12.62%88.79%-7.32%-10.21%
  • W.J17.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1283SIV-MADDISONSt Ives Rowing Club W.J17.1x 25:00.9--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.J18.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1210IEL-JOHNSONIsle of Ely Rowing Club W.J18.1x 23:01.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.MasB.2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1286KitchingCambridge 99 Rowing Club W.MasB.2x 24:21.4--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.MasC.2x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1227XPR-OlgaX-Press Boat Club W.MasC.2x 24:02.3--100%8.03%8.03%
2287CHA-BURNSTEIN-NEWELLChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasC.2x 28:14.0+4:11.7+17.45%85.14%-8.03%-8.03%
  • W.MasE.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1234CHA-MILLSChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasE.1x 23:57.1--100%0.00%0.00%
  • W.MasF.1x
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Finish time
1289CHA-AXWORTHYChampion Of The Thames RC W.MasF.1x 28:25.4--100%0.00%0.00%