
Sunday, May 14, 2017 9:01 AM (GMT-4) - Preliminary results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Farwell, MI, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 64
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 2.6
Updated: Sunday, May 14, 2017 11:20 AM (GMT-4)

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  • 1/2 Marathon - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
15Andrew ZimmerMens 40-4941M 1:32:53.5--100%22.04%21.29%09:01:29.2
254Michael WertzMens 60-69M 1:48:31.0+15:37.5+16.82%85.60%8.93%8.05%09:01:29.2
359Elfie RobertsonWomens 40-49F 1:49:46.2+16:52.7+18.17%84.62%7.88%6.99%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
159Elfie RobertsonWomens 40-49F 1:49:46.2--100%11.03%9.85%09:01:29.2
220Erin ZimmerWomens 40-4940F 1:53:47.5+4:01.3+3.66%96.47%7.77%6.55%09:01:29.2
353Yadira SanchezWomens 30-3936F 1:56:26.0+6:39.8+6.07%94.28%5.63%4.38%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Female - Womens 20-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
146Shelley KuhnWomens 20-2927F 2:01:45.8--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Female - Womens 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
153Yadira SanchezWomens 30-3936F 1:56:26.0--100%10.64%15.03%09:01:29.2
26Ashley OttoWomens 30-3933F 2:17:01.9+20:35.9+17.69%84.97%-5.16%0.00%09:01:29.2
348Stella BrittWomens 30-3936F 2:17:26.7+21:00.7+18.05%84.71%-5.48%-0.30%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Female - Womens 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
159Elfie RobertsonWomens 40-49F 1:49:46.2--100%6.39%5.93%09:01:29.2
220Erin ZimmerWomens 40-4940F 1:53:47.5+4:01.3+3.66%96.47%2.96%2.49%09:01:29.2
355Misti HaringWomens 40-49F 1:59:35.7+9:49.5+8.95%91.78%-1.99%-2.49%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Female - Womens 60-69
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
134Lynette HeinleinWomens 60-69F 2:08:41.5--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
15Andrew ZimmerMens 40-4941M 1:32:53.5--100%16.73%15.77%09:01:29.2
254Michael WertzMens 60-69M 1:48:31.0+15:37.5+16.82%85.60%2.72%1.60%09:01:29.2
360Bill LaClairMens 40-49M 1:50:17.0+17:23.5+18.72%84.23%1.13%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Male - Mens 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
150Tim SanchezMens 30-3936M 1:56:26.0--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Male - Mens 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
15Andrew ZimmerMens 40-4941M 1:32:53.5--100%8.56%8.56%09:01:29.2
260Bill LaClairMens 40-49M 1:50:17.0+17:23.5+18.72%84.23%-8.56%-8.56%09:01:29.2
  • 1/2 Marathon Male - Mens 60-69
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
154Michael WertzMens 60-69M 1:48:31.0--100%8.86%8.86%09:01:29.2
222Frank C. JohnsonMens 60-69M 2:09:37.2+21:06.2+19.45%83.72%-8.86%-8.86%09:01:29.2
  • 5k - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
161Robert RathbenMens 40-49M 20:02.5--100%49.97%50.61%09:01:29.2
227Jordon ButzinMens 20-2927M 21:23.9+1:21.4+6.77%93.66%46.58%47.27%09:01:29.2
314Cole SvejcaraMens 15-1917M 22:06.7+2:04.2+10.33%90.64%44.80%45.51%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
110Bridgette SchutteWomens 30-3932F 29:49.9--100%32.20%28.20%09:01:29.2
23Amanda BradfordWomens 20-2926F 29:51.1+0:01.2+0.07%99.93%32.16%28.15%09:01:29.2
325Jennifer SidesWomens 50-5951F 30:37.7+0:47.8+2.67%97.40%30.39%26.28%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 15-19
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
130Kenzie ForemanWomens 15-1916F 41:33.1--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 20-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
13Amanda BradfordWomens 20-2926F 29:51.1--100%25.09%17.46%09:01:29.2
21Aidalys CruffWomens 20-2929F 33:05.8+3:14.7+10.87%90.20%16.95%8.49%09:01:29.2
336Mariah ButzinWomens 20-2925F 36:10.0+6:18.9+21.15%82.54%9.24%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
110Bridgette SchutteWomens 30-3932F 29:49.9--100%32.87%32.87%09:01:29.2
211Christine MurphyWomens 30-3930F 59:03.1+29:13.2+97.95%50.52%-32.87%-32.87%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
145Sharon CurryWomens 40-4942F 43:48.1--100%14.28%9.22%09:01:29.2
241Michelle BazeleyWomens 40-4943F 48:14.9+4:26.8+10.15%90.78%5.57%0.00%09:01:29.2
338Melanie BellWomens 40-4946F 1:01:14.3+17:26.2+39.81%71.53%-19.85%-26.92%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
125Jennifer SidesWomens 50-5951F 30:37.7--100%13.10%8.73%09:01:29.2
242Peggy VaughnWomens 50-5953F 33:33.5+2:55.8+9.57%91.27%4.78%0.00%09:01:29.2
318Diane ForemanWomens 50-5952F 41:32.7+10:55.0+35.64%73.72%-17.88%-23.80%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Female - Womens 60-69
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
133Linda StoneWomens 60-6968F 40:42.3--100%19.93%19.71%09:01:29.2
243Robin MosherWomens 60-6960F 42:21.1+1:38.8+4.05%96.11%16.69%16.47%09:01:29.2
328Judy MartinWomens 60-6969F 59:02.9+18:20.6+45.06%68.94%-16.15%-16.47%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
161Robert RathbenMens 40-49M 20:02.5--100%39.18%36.41%09:01:29.2
227Jordon ButzinMens 20-2927M 21:23.9+1:21.4+6.77%93.66%35.06%32.10%09:01:29.2
314Cole SvejcaraMens 15-1917M 22:06.7+2:04.2+10.33%90.64%32.90%29.84%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 14 under
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
19Brennen CurryMens 14 under13M 22:18.5--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 15-19
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
114Cole SvejcaraMens 15-1917M 22:06.7--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 20-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
127Jordon ButzinMens 20-2927M 21:23.9--100%23.97%11.25%09:01:29.2
264Alexander DickenMens 20-29M 24:06.7+2:42.8+12.68%88.75%14.33%0.00%09:01:29.2
352Troy YelsikMens 20-2927M 38:55.2+17:31.3+81.88%54.98%-38.29%-61.42%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
140Michael SvejcaraMens 30-3939M 48:14.2--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
161Robert RathbenMens 40-49M 20:02.5--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
144Roland ShearerMens 50-5952M 49:45.1--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 5k Male - Mens 60-69
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
117Dennis RightsellMens 60-6964M 40:27.4--100%2.09%2.09%09:01:29.2
257Dave ThurstonMens 60-69M 42:10.9+1:43.5+4.26%95.91%-2.09%-2.09%09:01:29.2
  • 10k - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
124Jamie StrattonWomens 30-3936F 44:17.5--100%24.07%24.11%09:01:29.2
256Todd SloggettMens 50-59M 46:56.2+2:38.7+5.97%94.36%19.53%19.58%09:01:29.2
337Mary MurphyWomens 50-5957F 53:11.6+8:54.1+20.10%83.27%8.81%8.86%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
124Jamie StrattonWomens 30-3936F 44:17.5--100%25.42%26.54%09:01:29.2
237Mary MurphyWomens 50-5957F 53:11.6+8:54.1+20.10%83.27%10.43%11.78%09:01:29.2
313Claire KaislerWomens 20-2927F 54:32.9+10:15.4+23.16%81.20%8.15%9.53%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Female - Womens 20-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
113Claire KaislerWomens 20-2927F 54:32.9--100%0.31%0.31%09:01:29.2
221Esther NanasiWomens 20-2923F 54:53.2+0:20.3+0.62%99.38%-0.31%-0.31%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Female - Womens 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
124Jamie StrattonWomens 30-3936F 44:17.5--100%27.88%31.42%09:01:29.2
262Mary CooperWomens 30-39F 1:00:17.6+16:00.1+36.13%73.46%1.82%6.65%09:01:29.2
312Claire CroweWomens 30-3932F 1:08:52.9+24:35.4+55.52%64.30%-12.16%-6.65%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Female - Womens 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
163Sarah TaylorWomens 40-49F 1:00:17.6--100%3.93%2.93%09:01:29.2
223Isabella JansenWomens 40-4948F 1:01:12.1+0:54.5+1.51%98.52%2.49%1.47%09:01:29.2
316Denise BrownWomens 40-4946F 1:03:01.4+2:43.8+4.53%95.67%-0.42%-1.47%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Female - Womens 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
137Mary MurphyWomens 50-5957F 53:11.6--100%5.56%3.27%09:01:29.2
28Brenda MohowitschWomens 50-5956F 54:53.3+1:41.7+3.19%96.91%2.55%0.19%09:01:29.2
349Teresa MartinWomens 50-59F 55:06.0+1:54.4+3.58%96.54%2.17%-0.19%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
156Todd SloggettMens 50-59M 46:56.2--100%12.10%14.49%09:01:29.2
219Eric MollMens 20-2928M 54:53.6+7:57.4+16.95%85.51%-2.80%0.00%09:01:29.2
37Bill SaltarelliMens 60-6966M 58:22.0+11:25.8+24.35%80.42%-9.30%-6.33%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Male - Mens 20-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
119Eric MollMens 20-2928M 54:53.6--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Male - Mens 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
156Todd SloggettMens 50-59M 46:56.2--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2
  • 10k Male - Mens 60-69
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
17Bill SaltarelliMens 60-6966M 58:22.0--100%0.00%0.00%09:01:29.2