Tour de Basin - INDIVIDUAL

Sunday, December 11, 2022 7:00 AM (GMT-7) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Ski mountaineering
Location: Dillon, CO, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 128
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.7
Updated: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 10:49 AM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Rocky Mountain Skimo
Race website:
Race notes
Preliminary results
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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Citizen Course Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Jeffrey Lucy 1:01:25.6 3
 Female Tess Hamilton 1:06:33.5 2
 Female Citizen non-race Tess Hamilton 1:06:33.5 2
 Male Jeffrey Lucy 1:01:25.6 1
 Male Citizen non-race Jeffrey Lucy 1:01:25.6 1
 Long Course Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall John Gaston 1:27:28.9 88
 Female Jill Seager 1:58:32.5 20
 Female Masters 45+ Christena Ward 2:24:38.2 2
 Female Senior 23-44 Jill Seager 1:58:32.5 16
 Female U23 Brianna Rickert 2:13:38.7 2
 Male John Gaston 1:27:28.9 68
 Male Heavy Metal LONG Billy Edwards 2:34:29.0 3
 Male Masters 45+ Jon Brown 1:43:34.2 19
 Male Senior 23-44 John Gaston 1:27:28.9 37
 Male U20 Sam Burke 1:44:39.4 4
 Male U23 George Beck 1:41:26.5 5
 Short Course Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Griffin Briley 1:10:43.9 37
 Female Carson Leys 1:30:05.1 11
 Female Open SHORT Kaitlin Allen 1:43:44.7 1
 Female Heavy Metal SHORT - - 1
 Female U16 Mccall Birkinshaw 1:34:27.1 6
 Female U18 Carson Leys 1:30:05.1 3
 Male Griffin Briley 1:10:43.9 26
 Male Open SHORT Tim Briley 1:40:35.4 5
 Male Heavy Metal SHORT Darron Cheek 1:44:59.7 5
 Male U14 Fisher Leys 1:46:54.3 1
 Male U16 Sam Kirschner 1:17:40.6 7
 Male U18 Griffin Briley 1:10:43.9 8