Halloween Hustle

Sunday, October 28, 2018 5:05 PM (GMT-4) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Lexington, SC, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 42
Category results: Exclude top 3 overall
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 3.1
Updated: Monday, October 29, 2018 7:27 PM (GMT-4)

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Halloween Hustle

  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Relay Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Peyton Marsh 35:55.3 3
 Female Despina Washington 45:03.0 1
 Male Peyton Marsh 35:55.3 2
 4 mile Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Elliot Briggs 28:57.7 39
 Female Amya Bostick 29:15.3 15
 Female 14 and Under - - 2
 Female 15-19 Claudia Blanquet 44:20.4 1
 Female 25-29 - - 1
 Female 30-34 Cortney Broadwell 42:49.9 1
 Female 35-39 Rebecca Woollard 57:38.1 1
 Female 40-44 Laura Skinner 44:35.1 3
 Female 45-49 Amanda Burgess 58:56.2 1
 Female 50-54 - - 2
 Male Elliot Briggs 28:57.7 24
 Male 14 and Under Ian Briggs 29:54.3 6
 Male 15-19 Ethan Sieberhagen 32:11.3 2
 Male 25-29 Benjamin Summers 42:20.8 4
 Male 30-34 Jason Wyman 34:06.6 2
 Male 35-39 - - 1
 Male 40-44 Ryan Havens 31:04.4 2
 Male 45-49 Kevin Porter 38:39.3 1
 Male 50-54 Tab Blakely 31:06.6 2
 Male 60-64 Ted Daughtrey 44:38.5 1