We just added an easier way to bring your RunSignup reg data to Webscorer without having to download / upload files.
If your registration is not hosted on Webscorer, you have always been able post your start list as follows:
- Download the participant list as CSV or XLS file from the other reg site
- Edit the column headers to match what Webscorer expects
- Post the start list via file upload
A. If your registration is hosted on RunSignup, here are the new steps:
1. Navigate to Organizers / My start lists page
2. Click on the "Post start list from RunSignup" menu button

3. You'll get the attached form

4. Click on the green "View example" link to see where to find the info required
- Navigate to the RACE DASHBOARD on the RunSignup website
- Click on the "Race" menu button on the left
- This will open up more menu options, then click SHOW MORE
- Click on Secure Access/Info Sharing
- Scroll down the page and click on "API Keys"
- This will expand the page to show the following

5. Copy / paste this data from RunSignUp to the Webscorer start list form:

6. Click on the green "Get participants from RunSignup" button
7. Fill in the other required info:
- Pinpoint race location on map
- Select Sport type
- Select Start type
8. Click on "Post start list" menu button
B. To update this posted start list to capture the most recent registrations:
1. Navigate to the posted start list page
2. Click on "Edit race info" menu button