Bib sync is a multi-device feature which helps automate the age-old method of timing races:
- Device #1 is used to tap time stamps at the finish line
- Device #2 is used to record bib numbers at the end of a finish chute
- The bibs are then matched with the corresponding time stamps during or after the race
Steps to setup Webscorer PRO for bib sync
- This example will sync the bibs via Bluetooth in a manual wave start
1. Create the start list the same way when using just a single device
2. Navigate to the "Race Start" panel
3. Tap the "Timing mode" option
- Timing mode = Bib sync
- Role of device = Time stamp device
- Auto-start the race clocks = On
- Sync method = Send bibs via Bluetooth
4. Tap "Post start list" toolbar button
- Select "Share via Bluetooth"
1. Tap "Race with start list"
2. Tap "Download via Bluetooth"
3. Wait for the time stamp device to select the name of this device from the Bluetooth popup
4. Once the start list transfer is complete:
- The app will auto-navigate to the "Timing Mode" panel and the options will be auto-set to:
- Timing mode = Bib sync
- Role of device = Bib recording device
- Auto-start race clocks = On
- Sync method = Send bibs via Bluetooth
- Return to the "Race Start" panel
- On time stamp device, tap "Activate master"
- On bib recording device, tap "Connect to master" and select the master device from the popup
- On time stamp device, select the waves to start
- Watch this video to see how the actual timing works: VIDEO

Q: Why would I choose to sync via Bluetooth vs. via
A: Bluetooth sync only works with similar devices (iOS & macOS, or Android & Windows). In other words, if you want to use an Android phone as the time stamp device and an iPhone as the bib recording device, the only option is to sync the bibs via
Q: Are there any other advantages for syncing via
A: When using Bluetooth, you must tap "Send bibs" and "Receive bibs" on each device at the same time. When using, the sending and receiving can happen at different times - requiring less coordination. The sync is also faster there's no need for the Bluetooth popup to be displayed - and the receiving device to be selected. Note that the "Device race ID" must match when syncing via
Q: Why would you not auto-start the race clocks?
A: There are extra steps to get the race started - and especially in a mass start race, it's simpler just to tap "Start race" on both devices at the same time. The auto-start feature is useful in a manual wave start where starting of the waves then do not need to be done simultaneously on both devices.
Q: Is it a requirement that the race clocks are absolutely in sync?
A: No. The bib recording device sends only the Seq and Bib numbers to the time stamp device so if the race clocks are out of sync, this will not affect the results. However, the bib recording device will use the race clock time to indicate when each bib was recorded, so the results on the bib recording device can be used as a backup in case there's an issue with the official results on the time stamp device.
Q: What does the option "Allow bibs to be connected in any order" do?
A: In some races, the finishing racers are handed a sticker or popsicle with the finish order (sequence) number and are then asked to check in with a results desk. The results desk will use the bib recording device to enter the bib and the sequence number - which will then be synced over to the time stamp device.
Q: What is the recommended way to mark racers as DNS?
A: The best approach is to mark the racers as DNS before sharing the final start list to the other device. If the DNS list is not available until the race gets under way, you can delay starting the race on the app to first record the DNS entries, then share the start list and start the race clocks with a time adjustment (e.g. race started 15 minutes ago) by tapping the "Race clock adjustment" option on the "Race Start" panel. After the start list has been shared to the other device, marking racers as DNS must be done on the time stamp device - these do not sync across the devices.
Q: Can I make distance or category changes during the race?
A: Yes. Any changes affecting can be done during the race, but they must be done on the time stamp device. The only data that the bib recording device sends over to the time stamp device is the sequence and bib numbers. Hence it is not necessary to replicate the distance or category changes on the bib recording device.
Q: If my sequence numbers are not in sync between the two devices, what should I do?
It is important to stay in sync - there should always to be the same number of time stamps as recorded bib numbers. If the last sequence number does not match, you should add or delete a time stamp to get the sequence numbers back in sync as quickly as possible - and investigate what caused this discrepancy after the race. It is a good idea to check before syncing the bibs over that both devices are at the the same sequence number.
Q: What to do when it's not clear whether someone crossing the finish line is a racer?
A: The best approach is to record a time stamp regardless, and instruct the bib recording device to record a "No Bib" for anyone who was not actually a racer. This allows the sequence numbers to stay in sync - and the "No Bib" entry with the corresponding time stamp gets ignored in the results.
Q: Can the time stamp device also record bib numbers?
A: Yes. Note that any bib number entered on the time stamp device will remain, even if the bib recording device sends over a different bib number for the same sequence number. In a long race where there are only a handful of racers remaining, it's practical to switch to using just the time stamp device to record both the time stamps and the bib numbers - the bib recording device can be turned off after synching the final bibs over.
Q: All of our bibs are "off by one" - there was an extra time stamp in the beginning, what can we do?
A: If you've already synched the bibs, then the easiest way to fix this is with Excel. Post the results, download the results for edit, open the file in Excel, shift the racer data down to ignore the inadvertent time stamp. Then repost the results via file upload.