The Windows version of Webscorer PRO supports 2 different USB-attached RFID readers, each priced around USD $500:
Feature highlights:
Built-in antenna
Effective read range: 1.5 meters, or 5 feet
Power supplied via USB by Windows laptop running Webscorer PRO
Instant on: ready to detect chips within 1 second after powered
Rated at 50 tags / second
Usage scenarios:
Weekly club races
Additional timing point e.g. at course turnaround
RFID chip programming
Only supported by the Windows version of Webscorer PRO
Suitable to races where chips can get within 5 feet of the antenna
Single antenna, max antenna power is 30 dBm (ThingMagic) and 27dBm (Thinkify)

The ThingMagic USB Pro RFID reader is widely available and can be ordered online e.g. from AtlasRFIDstore. 
The Thinkify TR-2265 USB RFID reader can be ordered online at their website, we received our reader in 3 days.  Note that the Thinkify reader is certified only for North America (FCC).

These readers (similar to all chip timing systems) require the Webscorer PRO Chip timing subscription.  There is no cost for testing the reader with the (free) Webscorer app, you will just be limited to max 5 racers on the start list.