Plaid Nation 5K

Saturday, April 8, 2023 9:03 AM (GMT-4) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Hilton Head Island, SC, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 188
Updated: Saturday, April 8, 2023 12:34 PM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Palmetto Running Company

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
3 David Alliston Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
5 Samuel Alsobrook Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
7 Christopher Anderson Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
13 Quinn Auray Default 12U M 09:03:54
20 Jacob Barney Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
23 Bill Barres Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
26 Keith Barrett Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
28 Max Barrett Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
29 Sam Barrett Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
30 Nik Baum Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
31 Matthew Bauman Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
34 Joseph Bencivenga Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
35 Michael Bencivenga Default 12U M 09:03:54
36 James Berry Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
37 Gary Best Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
40 Jonathan Bills Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
42 Ryan Blain Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
44 Neil Blanken Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
46 Kyle Blessman Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
49 Steve Bowden Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
52 Kevin Bowler Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
54 Andrew Boyance Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
59 Brandon Brinson Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
62 William Brown Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
66 Mike Bruce Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
72 Nicholas Brunick Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
73 Julian Buick Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
84 Sean Carney Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
86 Paul Carroll Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
90 Matthew Cavner Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
93 Pablo Cella Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
94 Ruben Chairez Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
99 Frank Church Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
102 Lauren Clemente Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
104 Phil Clemente Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
105 Nic Clements Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
109 Mark Coffey Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
112 Ryan Comerford Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
114 Richard Cook Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
115 Scott Cooling Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
116 Curtis Copeland Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
118 Solomon Cortez Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
129 Lewie Davis Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
131 Kevin Debruyne Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
139 John Doepper Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
140 Johnny Doepper Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
144 Harry Druckenmiller Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
145 John Duberley Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
146 Eric Duggan Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
148 Kirk Duguid Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
151 Wiliam Dusch Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
153 Owen Eaton Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
158 Kevin Elkins Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
165 Dustin Fackler Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
167 Tom Fahey Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
169 Mark Fasbinder Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
182 Michael Freeman Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
185 Jake Gartner Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
187 James Gerding Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
188 Jack Gialanella Default 12U M 09:03:54
190 Tony Giorgio Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
191 James Giuliani Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
193 Evan Goad Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
194 Matt Goad Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
198 Tyler Gramling Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
200 William Graner Default 80-89 M 09:03:54
206 Robert Hahn Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
210 Butch Hancock Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
214 Kenya Harrison Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
218 Francis Hayes Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
219 Gary Heatherly Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
226 Gary Hickman Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
228 Chris Hoffman Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
231 Dave Horowitz Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
234 Rick Hussong Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
236 Dawson Imhoff Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
238 Drake Imhoff Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
244 Eric Johnson Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
245 John Michael Johnson Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
249 Tom Jones Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
251 Zachary June Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
253 Raymond Kasper Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
258 Jim Kirkpatrick Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
259 Chris Kleehammer Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
261 Michael Kling Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
263 Brian Kowald Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
264 Hunter Kowald Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
269 Stephen Kreuger Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
271 Charlie Labassi Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
272 Jeff Laking Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
275 James Lamm Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
276 Brad Langford Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
279 Stockton Law Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
283 Howard Levine Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
286 George Lind Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
288 Parker Lippold Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
290 Steve Loomis Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
292 Tyler Love Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
293 David Luick Default 12U M 09:03:54
296 Ron Macan Sr Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
297 Donald MacLanders Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
298 Jonathan MacLanders Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
305 Wes Manry Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
307 Alexander Mark Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
309 Andrew Martin Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
311 John Mc Andris Default 80-89 M 09:03:54
312 James McArdle Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
316 Richard McCumber Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
317 Joel McKinney Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
319 Zane Meadows Default 12U M 09:03:54
321 Mark Mele Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
323 Brendan Monroe Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
327 Ryan Murphy Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
332 Richard Nettles Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
333 Kent Nevitt Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
336 Travis Newman Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
344 Thomas Ohara Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
345 Lee Oppenheimer Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
348 Andrew O'Rourke Default 12U M 09:03:54
349 Cameron O'Rourke Default 12U M 09:03:54
351 Brad Osborne Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
354 Jay Peake Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
355 Paul Pepe Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
356 Phil Perine Default 80-89 M 09:03:54
359 Raleigh Peters Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
363 Tom Phibbs Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
369 John Piribek Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
370 Damaion Polite Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
372 Ed Pristas Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
373 Daniel Quinn Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
381 Liam Reeves Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
383 Preston Reid Default 12U M 09:03:54
386 Kyle Reilly Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
389 Jeremy Ritchie Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
390 Aidan Rivera Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
392 Ramon Rivera Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
395 Robert Rolf Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
399 Andrew Ruegamer Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
407 Charles Savino Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
412 Ken Schroeder Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
416 Andy Seman Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
417 Bryan Seybold Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
420 Chase Shama Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
421 Jason Shelhamer Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
425 Jeff Sikorski Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
428 C. Kent Smalling Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
429 Haden Smith Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
430 Sean Smith Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
432 Michael Sneden Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
441 Alan Squyres Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
450 Brian Stolarczyk Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
452 Jayce Stone Default 12U M 09:03:54
454 Kevin Stout Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
457 Christopher Strissel Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
458 Robert Strissel Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
463 Matthew Syno Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
465 Charles Taylor Default 40-49 M 09:03:54
466 Joshua Taylor Default 12U M 09:03:54
469 Robert Thompson Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
471 Nathan Triner Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
473 Steve Twait Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
475 Brett Ulrich Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
477 Scott Vandersall Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
480 Alexander Vanezis Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
482 Roy Vasher Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
483 B.J. Viau Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
486 Bennett Von Waldner Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
487 Evan Von Waldner Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
488 Cliff Walker Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
491 Douglas Wall Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
495 Bill Watt Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
497 Jeff Weber Default 70-79 M 09:03:54
502 Jack White Default 12U M 09:03:54
505 Bob Williams Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
509 Tim Willis Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
512 Thomas Wilson Default 60-69 M 09:03:54
515 John Yaglenski Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
521 Philip Berglind Default 12U M 09:03:54
522 Buchanan Berglind Default 12U M 09:03:54
523 Kenan Bowden Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
524 Andre Oosthuizen Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
527 Jacob Weaver Default 20-29 M 09:03:54
528 Ryan Heck Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
530 James Haycraft Default 30-39 M 09:03:54
533 Charlie Bathory Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
534 Jason Smith Default 50-59 M 09:03:54
539 Joshua Angulo Lopez Default 13-19 M 09:03:54
541 Chris Chapman Default 40-49 M 09:03:54