Gcbc woolmarket tt 2021 #1

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 5:54 PM (GMT-5) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Cycling - road
Location: Ocean Springs, MS, United States
Start type: Interval start
Racers: 44
Updated: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:17 PM (GMT-5)

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Gcbc woolmarket tt 2021 #1

Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
1 Jack Keady 19-under Male M 0:00
2 Sean Keady 40-49 male M 0:20
3 Cory Hegarty 30-39 male M 0:40
5 Billy Culpepper 40-49 male M 1:20
6 Laurence Gibson 50-59 male M 1:40
7 Richard Bell 50-59 male M 2:00
9 Stuart Witt 40-49 male M 2:40
10 Tommy Belcher 50-59 male M 3:00
12 Nathan Mckissik 19-under Male M 3:40
13 Bob Clark 70-over male M 4:00
17 Rock Earhart 70-over male M 5:20
18 Edgar Estrada 30-39 male M 5:40
19 Bart Luther 50-59 male M 6:00
22 Cecilio Magadia 50-59 male M 7:00
23 Stuart Rubio 40-49 male M 7:20
25 Brad Cross 30-39 male M 8:00
29 Paul Stedain 50-59 male M 9:20
30 Craig Earhart 50-59 male M 9:40
31 Alex Madina 30-39 male M 10:00
32 Nick Cenci 60-69 male M 10:20
34 Louis Henderson 30-39 male M 11:00
36 James Henderson 40-49 male M 11:40
38 Caleb Earhart 20-29 male M 12:20
41 Frank Pavlov 60-69 male M 13:20
42 Leonard Vergunst 60-69 male M 13:40
43 Michael Nugpo 30-39 male M 14:00
44 Elijah Ramsey III 50-59 male M 14:20