2020 PRG Weekly Race 02-25

wtorek, 25 lutego 2020 17:40 (GMT+8) - Lista startowa

Informacje o zawodach
Sport: Kajakarstwo
Lokalizacja: Ascot, Australia
Typ startu: Start grupami manualny
Grupowanie: Wg dystansu
Zawodnicy: 1
Zaktualizowany: środa, 4 marca 2020 04:41 (GMT+8)
Organizowane przez: Terry Bolland
Strona zawodów: https://www.facebook.com/groups/298821241018279/
Informacje o zawodach
Progressive Racing Group 18th February

It is good to be timing rather than paddling when Sharon races on a Tuesday night. It would mean she would most likely beat me and I don’t know if I am ready that yet. Laurent gave it his best shot but at the end of the race it was Sharon who came over the line first with a time of 20.57. The surprize time was Ash who had a time of 21.09 only 1 second behind Laurent 21.08. With Jayden back but taking a bit easy after his bike crash /shoulder injury he still did a 21.20. Ross Burdett joined us and did a good time of 21.38 and Nigel who is still going strong did a time of 21.45. Damm I might not get in the top 5 anymore.

Welcome Ross, Maureen and Colin who hadn’t paddled with us before.

Izzy was back and firing on all 6 cylinders until the last turn when she was encourages others and catching up with Jane and all of a sudden decided to go swimming. It was a hot night but I just think she likes swimming with that heavy brace she has around her knee. So I don’t like saying this, as I know it will up-set Izzy, but I had to give her a DNF as she didn’t cross the line!!! We still love her though.

The thunderstorm might have prevented some paddlers from coming although the conditions were perfect once the storm went through.

So it was a DNC (Did not come) for many.

But we understand. Conditions did look bad
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- Maureen BOWRA 2 LAP 2 LAP K 17:40:00