2020 PRG Weekly Race 02-04

martes, 4 de febrero de 2020 17:45 (GMT+8) - Lista de salida

Información de la carrera
Deporte: Remo
Ubicación: Ascot, Australia
Tipo de salida: Salida por intervalos
Corredor: 10
Actualizado: miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020 11:24 (GMT+8)
Organizado por: Terry Bolland
Web de la carrera: https://www.facebook.com/groups/298821241018279/
Notas sobre la carrera
Progressive Racing Group 4th February

What a hot night. Over 42 degrees today. So it was hot racing. It was amazing to have Brendan and Sharon get exactly the same time and they started off 30 seconds apart. Brendan was on fire, and I think he did a PB. Marie was also on fire getting a PB I’m sure and it was so hot. Marie’s technique is looking good, (I think she must have had coaching in the last two weeks).

We had Brian, Henry and Jim join us tonight. Paul, Des and Jeanette are also quite new to the group. Jane had a sore shoulder from trying to get back on her ski so she watched on tonight. David overheated.
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Dorsal Nombre del corredor
Distancia Categoría Wave Sexo Hora de salida
- Sharon COBLEY 3 LAP F 0:00
- Brendan WELKER 3 LAP M 0:00
- Ash COGDON 3 LAP M 0:00
- Marie ANDERSSON 3 LAP F 0:00
- Jeannette BUSCH 3 LAP F 0:00
- Paul 3 LAP M 0:00
- Henry 3 LAP M 0:00
- Brian 3 LAP M 0:00
- Jo WARD 3 LAP F 0:00
- David BROWN 3 LAP M 0:00