Sun Lakes Navigation Race & Camping Weekend

Saturday, May 3, 2025 8:00 AM (GMT-7)

Event info
Sport: Orienteering
Location: Coulee City, WA, United States
Registrations: 37
Registration closes: Thursday, May 1, 2025 11:59 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: MerGeo
Event website:

Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

The entry fee varies - make selections to show the fee.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Date of birth
Phone #
Zip code / Postal code
State / Province
Age Category
Event entry fee increases after
March 30, 2025
Event entry fee TBD
Emergency contact person name
Emergency contact person phone number
Team name
Team size (including yourself)
Names of team members
For the purposes of the competition categories, the "Female" selection above includes trans women on gender-affirming HRT for at least the year leading up to the race.
How did you hear about this event?
If you selected "Other" in the previous question, please describe how you heard:
Would you like to receive e-newsletters about our other nav racing events?
For the Camp Delany lodging and meal options below, please select for how many people in your travel party (including yourself) you would like to purchase each one
The post-race meal following the race finish is included with your entry fee.
ITEM 1 - Package deal: Friday and Saturday night bunk lodging AND ALL MEALS (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, Sunday breakfast/lunch)
0.00 USD 115.00 USD 230.00 USD 345.00 USD 460.00 USD 575.00 USD 690.00 USD 805.00 USD 920.00 USD 1035.00 USD 1150.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 1. If any meals or bunk lodging nights will be missed, please list which ones to assist our planning:
ITEM 2 - Friday and Saturday night bunk lodging, NOT including meals
0.00 USD 75.00 USD 150.00 USD 225.00 USD 300.00 USD 375.00 USD 450.00 USD 525.00 USD 600.00 USD 675.00 USD 750.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 2:
ITEM 3 - Friday night bunk lodging (does NOT include meals)
0.00 USD 40.00 USD 80.00 USD 120.00 USD 160.00 USD 200.00 USD 240.00 USD 280.00 USD 320.00 USD 360.00 USD 400.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 3:
ITEM 4 - Saturday night bunk lodging (does NOT include meals)
0.00 USD 40.00 USD 80.00 USD 120.00 USD 160.00 USD 200.00 USD 240.00 USD 280.00 USD 320.00 USD 360.00 USD 400.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 4:
ITEM 5 - Package deal: Tent camping Friday and Saturday nights in Camp Delany meadow AND ALL MEALS (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, Sunday breakfast/lunch)
0.00 USD 95.00 USD 190.00 USD 285.00 USD 380.00 USD 475.00 USD 570.00 USD 665.00 USD 760.00 USD 855.00 USD 950.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 5. If any meals or tent camping nights will be missed, please list which ones to assist our planning:
ITEM 6 - Friday and Saturday night tent camping in Camp Delany meadow, NOT including meals
0.00 USD 55.00 USD 110.00 USD 165.00 USD 220.00 USD 275.00 USD 330.00 USD 385.00 USD 440.00 USD 495.00 USD 550.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 6:
ITEM 7 - Friday night tent camping in Camp Delany meadow (does NOT include meals)
0.00 USD 30.00 USD 60.00 USD 90.00 USD 120.00 USD 150.00 USD 180.00 USD 210.00 USD 240.00 USD 270.00 USD 300.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 7:
ITEM 8 - SATURDAY night tent camping in Camp Delany meadow (does NOT include meals)
0.00 USD 30.00 USD 60.00 USD 90.00 USD 120.00 USD 150.00 USD 180.00 USD 210.00 USD 240.00 USD 270.00 USD 300.00 USD
List names of people signing up for ITEM 8:
For any members of your travel party for whom you are not ordering a meals-included package (ITEM 1 or ITEM 5), please use the items below to order separate meals in the quantities desired.
How many Friday dinners would you like to order?
0.00 USD 15.00 USD 30.00 USD 45.00 USD 60.00 USD 75.00 USD 90.00 USD 105.00 USD 120.00 USD 135.00 USD 150.00 USD
How many Saturday breakfasts would you like to order?
0.00 USD 10.00 USD 20.00 USD 30.00 USD 40.00 USD 50.00 USD 60.00 USD 70.00 USD 80.00 USD 90.00 USD 100.00 USD
How many Saturday lunches would you like to order?
0.00 USD 15.00 USD 30.00 USD 45.00 USD 60.00 USD 75.00 USD 90.00 USD 105.00 USD 120.00 USD 135.00 USD 150.00 USD
How many Saturday dinners would you like to order?
0.00 USD 15.00 USD 30.00 USD 45.00 USD 60.00 USD 75.00 USD 90.00 USD 105.00 USD 120.00 USD 135.00 USD 150.00 USD
How many Sunday breakfasts would you like to order?
0.00 USD 10.00 USD 20.00 USD 30.00 USD 40.00 USD 50.00 USD 60.00 USD 70.00 USD 80.00 USD 90.00 USD 100.00 USD
How many Sunday lunches would you like to order?
0.00 USD 15.00 USD 30.00 USD 45.00 USD 60.00 USD 75.00 USD 90.00 USD 105.00 USD 120.00 USD 135.00 USD 150.00 USD
Please share any requests about who you lodge with, or any dietary restrictions that you would like us to know about:
Discount or coupon code
Processing fee
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

I know that navigation racing, also known as rogaining, is potentially dangerous. The dangers include but are not limited to falling or colliding; my physical and medical conditions; possibly heightened risk of infectious disease, including COVID-19; weather; and both natural and manmade conditions of the course. There are inherent risks of navigation racing that may exacerbate the dangers of the activity, and these risks generally cannot be mitigated by the organizer or land managers. These include but are not limited to remoteness of the event location from roads and emergency services, lack of reliable communication from some or all areas of the course, and lack of emergency services nearby. I alone am responsible for my safety while I participate, and I should not participate unless I am medically able and properly trained. I have read and understood this waiver, and in consideration of acceptance of my application for this land navigation event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release Meridian Geographics, LLC, other organizers and volunteers, the United States of America, the State of Washington, Grant County, and all other land owners and land managers, their representatives and successors, from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to the organizers to use photographs or audio/video recordings of me for any legitimate purpose. I understand that my name and basic personal information relevant to my competition category will appear on the internet in connection with my participation in this event.