2025 Joe Kessler's Beach to Beach Power Swim

Sunday, May 25, 2025 08:00 (GMT-4)

Event info
Sport: Swimming - open water
Location: St John, Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Registrations: 139
Registration closes: Wednesday, May 21, 2025 12:00 (GMT-4)
Organized by: Friends of Virgin Islands National Park
Event website: https://www.friendsvinp.org/power-swim

Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

The entry fee varies - make selections to show the fee.
This event is 39% full.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Age on event date
Teams only: Relay Team member names

Phone #
Mailing Address
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Your City
Your zip code
Your State
Your Country
Event entry fee TBD
Event T-shirt size
List any allergies (or type "None")
Become a member of the Friends
30.00 USD
Additional donation to Learn to Swim
Would you like to see a vegetarian lunch option this year?
Which shuttle pickup location would you like to reserve?
Would you like to buy lunch for a friend or family member who is there to watch you?
10.00 USD
Would you like to pre-order a Power Swim hat? You can also see it & buy it from our website at hhttps://donate.friendsvinp.org/product/B2B2025cap/joes-beach-to-beach-2025-cap
20.00 USD
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

Waiver of Liability - 2025 Joe's Beach-to-Beach Power Swim By signing this form, I _____________________________ agree, warrant and covenant as follows:<<<<< (name) 1. I understand that I am participating in an event that involves swimming offshore in the ocean. The conditions at the time of the event can involve waves and wind that make the Power Swim challenging for some swimmers. I understand that participating in this event is potentially hazardous. I represent that I am medically, physically and psychologically able and properly trained for the event. 2. I am entering into this event voluntarily. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident, which may occur while I am traveling to, from or between event venues, during the event itself, or while I am on the premises of the event. 3. I also am aware of and assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effects of weather, boat traffic, drowning and sea conditions. I am aware that there are risks of contracting COVID-19 while participating in this event and I agree to take all appropriate precautions for my protection and the protection of others as recommended by the event organizers, the CDC or the Virgin Islands Department of Health. 4. I, for myself and my heirs and executors, hereby waive, release and forever discharge the Friends of Virgin Islands National Park, its sponsors, promoters and each of their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event, from all liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that I may claim or have against any of them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this event. 5. I understand that this waiver includes a waiver of any claims, regardless of cause and whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise. 6. I understand that the entry fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the above parties to use my image in photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of this event. I hereby agree to the above conditions in full, __________________________<<_____________________<_______________ Name<<<< < Signature<<<

Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
Please enter your name here