Bearlodge Mtn Classic 2025

Sunday, September 21, 2025 7:00 AM (GMT-7) - Sunday, September 21, 2025 5:00 PM (GMT-7)

Event info
Sport: Cycling - mtn cross-country
Location: Sundance, WY, United States
Registrations: 2
Registration closes: Tuesday, September 16, 2025 11:59 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Sundance Chain Gang Mtn Bike Association
Event website:
Event notes

 20th year of the BMC

New Trails and Stunning Views Coming Soon!

New Start trail  and more single track on course see the South Fork canyon from a different perspective. 
The Start trail goes up the Carson Trail and comes around to connect to Reuter trail 1.68 miles -crossing guards at start not at finish.
a old deer/cow bypass on the Coyote ridge used in the days of late 80's by Fat Tire Challenge for new to you views.
and we take you down Tent Canyon Ridge to go up Tent Canyon.

This jaw dropping 27-mile test features the Challenge course with the technical single track on Tent Canyon and a whopping total 3807 ft of elevation gain!

It's net zero for those climbing folks..


Participants aged 14 and under must pay to ride, with prizes for the top 1-3 finishers. Southfork Trail is not the option this year..

There is a view in store for you. 


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Contact organizer

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The entry fee varies - make selections to show the fee.
This event has space for 158 more entries.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Year of birth
Phone #
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Zip code / Postal code
State / Province
Challenge Distance
Event entry fee TBD
Adult t-shirt size for Challenge and Epics
Do you want to purchase a Youth sizeT-shirt for the Cub 11 mile entries
13.00 USD
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

2025 Bearlodge Mtn Classic Sundance Chain Gang MTB Association, Sept. 21, 2025 ACCIDENT WAIVER, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND CONSENT FORM I acknowledge that this athletic event is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and participation in this recreational event or opportunity carries with it certain “inherent risks” as defined in the Wyoming Recreational Safety Act. Wyoming Statute (W.S.) Section (§) 1-1-123(a) states: “Any person who takes part in any sport or recreational opportunity assumes the inherent risks in that sport or recreational opportunity, whether those risks are known or unknown, and is legally responsible for any and all damage, injury or death to himself or other persons or property that results from the inherent risks in that sport or recreational opportunity.” As a provider of this recreational opportunity, the below-signed acknowledges that Sundance Chain Gang MTB Association (SCGMBA) “is not required to eliminate, alter or control the inherent risks within the particular sport or recreational opportunity” (W.S. § 1-1-123(b)). I have been advised to read the SCGMBA Accident Waiver, Release of Liability, and Consent Form carefully before signing. Assumption of inherent risk applies to all participants including but not limited to athletes, volunteers, sponsors, and support personnel, working directly or indirectly with or in support of the SCGMBA event. I hereby assume all risks of participating, traveling to and from this event, and/or volunteering in this event. I promise not to sue anyone associated with this event on my behalf or on behalf of my child regarding any claim arising from my child’s participation in this event. I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in the event, and have not been advised otherwise by qualified medical personnel. I acknowledge that this SCGMBA Accident Waiver, Release of Liability, and Consent Form applies to all activities associated with the 2025 Bearlodge Mtn Classic and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at the Sept. 21, 2025--Bearlodge Mtn Classic and associated events.

If you agree, please initial the next three items:

_____ I hereby consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during this event.

 ______I am aware that this event is not an event permitted by USA Cycling and that USA Cycling insurance does not apply.

______I understand that at this event or related activities I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video and/or film likeness to be used for legitimate purposes by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, promoters and/or assigns. The Sundance Chain Gang MTB Association Accident Waiver, Release of Liability, and Consent Form shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. I hereby certify that I have read this document, I understand its contents, and sign this waiver and consent of my own free will. Signature of Entrant/Volunteer: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________



CONSENT AND RELEASE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN FOR MINORS (UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) The undersigned parent and/or natural guardian or legal guardian does hereby represent that he/she is signing on behalf of the minor participant. I have read and understand the above SCGMBA Accident Waiver, Release of Liability, and Consent Form and in consideration of allowing my child to participate, I agree that its terms shall likewise bind me, my child, my heirs, legal representatives, and assignees. I promise not to sue anyone associated with this event on my behalf or on behalf of my child regarding any claim arising from my child’s participation in this event. Signature of Parent or Guardian of Minor ____________________________________________________ Date _____________



Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
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Please sign using mouse or finger