Forest Frolic

Sunday, July 27, 2025 9:00 AM (GMT-4)

Event info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Cortland, NY, United States
Registrations: 2
Registration closes: Sunday, July 27, 2025 7:00 AM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Finger Lakes Runners Club
Event website:
Event notes
These classic trail races take place on the beautiful orange- and white-blazed trails through Kennedy State Forest in Virgil, NY. The 15K (8.9 mile) course is a figure-8 that boasts 1,700 feet of climb; the 7K (4.1 mile) course follows the shorter, more scenic loop of the 15K course and features about 700 feet of climb. Both courses have you splashing across a stream and ascending to the rock pile where the famed Monster (of the Monster Marathon) once dwelled. The courses consist of 50% single-track trail, 30% logging roads, and 20% dirt roads. The trail is well-marked (painted blazes on trees, double blazes at turns) and cleared of brambles. Perhaps the giant fungus of 2015 will return! Want to make a weekend of it? Come the day before with a tent and you can camp for free by the start/finish at the primitive Hauck Hill campsite. Make sure to bring water. For full details about the race location, times, policies, and more, visit the race website linked above.
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This event has space for 173 more entries.
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-5.00 USD
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Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver
I, the undersigned accept full responsibility for myself and for any injuries I may incur during this Forest Frolic Trail 7K & 15K Run. I fully understand that participating in this event may be dangerous to my health. Sprained ankles, cuts, bruises, broken bones, insect bites, lacerations inflicted by sticks or barbed wire, collisions with high-speed vehicles, and heat exhaustion or heat stroke are real possibilities. I have trained sufficiently for this event. I will not hold any of the organizers, landowners, Finger Lakes Runners Club, Finger Lakes Trail Conference, Onondaga ADK, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Greek Peak Ski Resort, Road Runners Club of America, USATF Niagara, any agency within the state of New York, or any volunteers responsible. My actions and mishaps are accountable to no one but myself. I agree to withdraw from the race if so instructed by a race official. I fully understand that there will be no medical or rescue personnel on the course. I grant the race organizers the free use of my name and any photos or videos of me from the event for any use related to the race that they see fit. I acknowledge that my entry fee is not refundable, even if the race is canceled by an act of nature or man. If participant is under 18, agreeing to this waiver indicates that the parent or guardian has approved this activity. In addition to the foregoing, I agree to abide by all of FLRC’s instructions aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. I understand that, even with these instructions in place, there remains a risk that I could contract COVID-19 while participating in this race. I further understand that contracting COVID-19 may lead to serious illness or death. I voluntarily assume these risks, and I hereby release and discharge all of the entities and persons named above from all claims or liabilities relating to any injury or loss connected to COVID-19 or any other illness that I may contract during this race.
Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity