Shore to Shore Road Race - August 4, 2025

Monday, August 4, 2025 8:00 AM (GMT-4) - Monday, August 4, 2025 10:00 AM (GMT-4)

Event info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Wiarton, ON, Canada
Registrations: 35
Registration closes: Sunday, August 3, 2025 10:00 AM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Rotary Club of WIarton
Event website:
Event notes

The Runners begins at 8am in Oliphant and the 13km route is a classic course with rolling hills and a fast downhill finish. Timed Walkers begin at 7:30am.  In the RUNNING Division, there are prizes for the top male/female in each age category 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ In the WALKING Division, there are prizes for the top TWO males and the top TWO females. There is a cap of 25 entrants in the walking division and a 2 hour, 30 minute time limit. There is an overall cap of 180 entrants. Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

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There is a fee to register for this event.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Date of birth
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Predicted time
Event entry fee increases after
May 30, 2025
Event entry fee 50.00 CAD
Would you like to order a T-shirt?
30.00 CAD
Would you like to make a donation to the Rotary Club of Wiarton? Please note that we are not able to issue Charitable Donation receipts. However, your donation will be used to support our local and/or international projects.
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver
Understanding of Risk and Release of Responsibility I understand that participating in a road race is a potentially dangerous event. Further, the weather, footing and vehicle traffic conditions may be adverse and greatly increase the danger. I certify that I am medically fit to participate without risk to myself or others. I understand that I am totally responsible for my own safety. In consideration of my being permitted to participate in the Race, I hereby remise, release and forever discharge, waive and save harmless, protect and indemnify the Race Organizers, The Rotary Club of Wiarton, any and all clubs, associations, sanctioning bodies, sponsors, participants, competitors, entrants and all respective agents, officials, volunteers, servants, and representatives from and against any and all kinds of action claims, costs and expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property howsoever caused as a result of my being permitted to attend or in any way take part prior to, during or subsequent to the Race, whether as an entrant, competitor, spectator or otherwise, not with- standing that some may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of any of the afore- said, their agents, officials, servants or representatives. Further, I hereby grant permission to any of the above to disseminate photographs or other race result information to the public; through any medium they so choose, from time to time. By submitting this entry, I acknowledge having read, understood and agreed to the above. This document will bind my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.
Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity