Wednesday, April 23, 2025 7:00 AM (GMT-7) - Saturday, April 26, 2025 7:00 AM (GMT-7)

Event info
Sport: Swimming - open water
Location: Roosevelt, AZ, United States
Registration closes: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 11:59 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: SCAR SWIM
Event website:
Event notes

SWIM DATES 2025: Swimmer / Paddler Social - April 22, 2025 (Tuesday) Saguaro Lake - April 23rd (Wednesday) Canyon Lake - April 24th (Thursday) Apache Lake - April 25th (Friday) Roosevelt Lake - April 26th (Saturday) Voted as the #1 Open Water Swims the World by WOWSA in 2022, the SCAR SWIM has gained a following of some of the most prolific swimmers in the sport. Having attracted International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame Swimmers, Triple Crown Swimmers and swimmers who are training for their first channel, the SCAR SWIM is a popular training ground given it's rugged beauty, challenging consecutive distances and early season dates. With a limited field per lake, the participants get to know each other very well and cement open water connections throughout the world including places like Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Costa Rica, India, South Africa and Australia.


The SCAR SOCIAL on Tuesday April 22nd is designed to enhance the network of swimmers and race organizers. There is no extra charge for attending the social event which will feature pasta, beer and dessert. SCAR is a non-wetsuit series of swims given the high demand by international open water swimmers who are training for non-wetsuit channels. Price: apply before December 15, 2024 for $1900 for all four swims or separate fee per lake. Those wanting to swim 2 or 3 swims will have to go on-line and register separately for each lake. Once your Swim Application is received and reviewed for acceptance - an email will be sent with payment information. Upon payment you will be registered with a confirmation email.

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Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Age on event date
Phone #
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Zip code / Postal code
State / Province
Event is full• Sorry, this event is full but you may submit your information for its waiting list
There is no fee for joining the waiting list
Swimmer T-shirt size
My 1500 meter/ 1650 yd pool swim time range
I prefer as headwear:
I swim regularly with a masters program?
List 3 prior open water swims/distance/time
My next big open water swim (after SCAR) is?
Name of Crew / Paddler
Crew / Paddler E-Mail Address
Crew is physically able to to paddle SCAR.
I understand I am responsible for recruiting a capable paddler for each of my swims.
I am traveling from outside the USA and need assistance finding crew
SCAR SWIM SOCIAL on April 25th: who will attend (do not include your crew in this number)
I understand this is a non-wetsuit series of swims
I understand the fee is non-refundable and not transferable to another swimmer or a following swim year.
I am aware of my health and had the opportunity to be examined to certify I am medically fit to swim SCAR.
Is there anything you want the Review Committee to know about your Application for SCAR?
I understand the following cut off times for swims: Saguaro & Canyon - 5:30 hours. Apache - 10 hours / Dark. Roosevelt - 5 hours.
I am responsible for the risks posed by open water swimming
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

2025 ACCIDENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY CONTRACT I, the undersigned participant (Swimmer/Paddler/Crew), or parent on behalf of a swimmer under the age of 18, intending to be legally bound, certify that I have (my child has) sufficiently trained to swim in the 2025 S.C.A.R. Swim and that I am (my child is) physically fit and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person. It is incumbent on entrants to be medically evaluated prior to the swim to ensure they are physically fit and able to participate. I AM AWARE THAT IT IS CRITICAL FOR MY SAFETY AS A SWIMMER TO STAY WITH MY PADDLER EVEN IF CONDITIONS PREVENT MY PADDLER FROM MAKING FORWARD PROGRESS. I AM AWARE THAT COMPETITIVE LAKE SWIMMING IS POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS ACTIVITY IN AN UNCONTROLLED OPEN WATER COURSE ENVIRONMENT AND CARRIES WITH IT THE POTENTIAL FOR SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. I AGREE TO ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS EVENT AND ALL ACTIVITIES INCIDENT THERETO INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: EXTREME PHYSICAL EXERTION, FALLS, CONTACT WITH OTHER PARTICIPANTS, ROCKS, CLIFFS, LOOSE GRAVEL, EVENT EQUIPMENT, WATERCRAFT, POWERBOATS WITH PROPELLERS, VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, BOAT TRAFFIC, AQUATIC ANIMALS AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS LAKE ANIMALS, THE EFFECTS OF WEATHER AND COLD WATER, AND TRAVEL TO AND FROM THIS EVENT. I HEREBY ASSUME ALL OF THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT. I REALIZE THAT LIABILITY MAY ARISE FROM UNINTENTIONAL RECKLESSNESS, NEGLIGENCE OR CARELESSNESS ON THE PART OF THE ENTITIES OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW FROM DANGEROUS OR DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT CONTROLLED BY THEM BUT HEREBY RELEASE THEM FROM LIABILITY. I AGREE TO RELEASE MY E-MAIL ADDRESS TO FELLOW SWIMMERS, CREW AND RACE OFFICIALS. I AGREE THAT EVENT PHOTOGRAPHS THAT INCLUDE MY IMAGE MAY BE USED IN PROMOTIONAL ITEMS FOR SCAR IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE. I UNDERSTAND THE RISKS OF COVID AND THE DANGER IT POSES TO MY HEALTH AND WELL BEING. I WILL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS IF I PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT AND ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY HEALTH EVEN WHILE PARTICIPATING IN SCAR THAT MAY INCLUDE TIMES WHERE SOCIAL DISTANCING IS ENCOURAGED BUT NOT ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY ALL PARTICIPANTS. Having carefully read the above waiver and all event risks being known and appreciated by me (and my child) and in consideration of my application and permitting me (or my child) to participate in this event and all activities incident thereto; I hereby take action for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf as follows: (A) WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FROM MY DEATH, DISABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY THEFT OR ACTIONS OF ANY KIND WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ACCRUE TO ME INCLUDING MY TRAVELING TO AND FROM THIS EVENT, THE FOLLOWING PERSONS OR ENTITIES: Kent M. Nicholas, Candice E. Nicholas, Partners in the Event and their representatives, Sponsors of the Event and their representatives, Supporting Crew both on and off the water, and Volunteers of the Event; (B) Indemnify and hold harmless the entities or persons mentioned specifically or generally from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of participation in this event, whether caused by recklessness, negligence of releases or otherwise. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable during this event and agree to be solely responsible for all costs relating to medical treatment, transportation and/or evacuation. I certify that no representations have been made to me by anyone associated with this event concerning the physical condition required of a participant. I certify that I have finished a Three Mile Open Water Swim or further within the past two years and will submit proof upon request. I have been medically examined within the past year and know of no known medical condition that would cause danger to me during the swim(s). I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver and Release of Liability contract will be used by S.C.A.R. Swim Challenge and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at this event and shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable Arizona law. I HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE WAIVER AND UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENT WITHOUT EXCEPTION. MY ENTRY FEE WILL BE PAID IN FULL AND ENCLOSED WITH THIS ACCIDENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I AGREE THAT MY PADDLER/CREW WILL ALSO SIGN THE SAME OR SIMILAR WAVIER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY BEFORE I AM ALLOWED TO SWIM.

Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
Event is full• Sorry, this event is full but you may submit your information for its waiting list
There is no fee for joining the waiting list