Saturday, January 13, 2024 06:46 (GMT-3) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Las Condes, Chile
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 26
Laps: 5
Timing mode: Bib sync
Category results: Exclude top 3 overall
Timed on: motorola moto g53 5G
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 6.6
Updated: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:45 (GMT-3)
Organized by: Latitud Sur Expedition
Race website:

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  • Race winners »
  • Overall Male - 40 A 49 M
  • Lap times
Place Bib Name Category Gender CERRO MINILLAS
- 15 Manuel Barros - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 19 Miguel Bichet - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 42 Mauricio Correa - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 46 Isaac Diaz Quinchaleo - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 63 José Luis Godoy Muñoz - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 66 Raul Gonzalez - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 79 Ignacio Hevia - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 87 Manuel Luque - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 92 Michel Meneses Medina - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 100 Juan Pablo Muñoz - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 102 Gonzalo Mut - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 109 Hector Paredes Macias - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 114 Patricio Pino Gonzalez - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 115 Raul Pinto Aranda - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 122 Felipe Raddatz - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 123 Fernando Reyes - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 134 Rodrigo Sahr - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 139 José Luis Sepulveda - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 140 Claudio Sepulveda Geoffroy - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 143 Cristian Silva Bascuñan - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 155 Francisco Vaccarella - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 161 Jean Paul Veas - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 166 Hector Yañez Peredo - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 167 Eduardo José Zapico Sánchez - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 169 Nicolas Alexander Zeitler - 40 A 49 M M - ---
- 173 nicolas vongraevenitz 40 A 49 M M - ---