Longwood Brewery Criterium #6, 14 05 27

wtorek, 27 maja 2014 7:09 PM (GMT-7) - Wyniki końcowe

Informacje o zawodach
Sport: Kolarstwo szosowe
Lokalizacja: Nanaimo, BC, Kanada
Typ startu: Start masowy
Zawodnicy: 24
Mierzone na: iPad
Mierzone w: Webscorer PRO 1.6
Zaktualizowany: czwartek, 5 czerwca 2014 10:36 AM (GMT-7)
Organizowane przez: MIVA
Strona zawodów: bikeracing.ca
Informacje o zawodach
Tuesday evening's Longwood Brewery Criterium was keenly contested for both the primes and the overall results as there was cash and tankards up for grabs. In the women's category, Janna Gillick showed her stuff by winning all the primes and the race, and also being well ahead of most of the men. In the men's category, Vipyrs cadet, James Grant, took the first and last primes and just failed to beat overall winner, Victoria Wheelers' Tom Skinner by less than half a tire width. Other prime winners were Tom and Andrew Grant (Vipyrs). Third finisher was Vipyrs' junior, Brodie Hay, who narrowly beat teammate Andrew Grant with master Iain Hay, also riding for Vipyrs, in fifth place. The Vancouver Island youth performance squad are regularly getting the top placings in the series, showing that their regular track visits and weekend racing are paying dividends.
In the youth categories, Abigail Hare was the sole female participant, lapping both the male riders. Newcomer Tayden DePol beat Aiden Hare by over half a minute.
Just as the bunch was sprinting for the first prime, a car turned onto the circuit and the riders immediately neutralized the race of their own accord, regrouping a lap later to contest the sprint. Well done guys!
As always, thanks to our marshals and to Hilary Grant for her much-appreciated help at the line.
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  • Zwycięzcy zawodów

  • right arrow imageKliknij na zieloną nazwę kategorii, aby zobaczyć pełne wyniki
 20 Zwycięzca Czas zwycięzcy Wszystkich zawodników
 Open Abigail Hare 37:35.3 2
 Youth Female Abigail Hare 37:35.3 1
 Youth Male Aiden Hare 39:50.2 1
 40 Zwycięzca Czas zwycięzcy Wszystkich zawodników
 Open Multiple winners 1:04:30.6 22
 Men Tom Skinner 1:04:30.6 16
 Women Janna Gillick 1:04:31.9 3
 Youth Male James Grant 1:04:30.6 3