Webscorer has always supported a 3rd gender which has traditionally been used in team events for mixed Female / Male entries. This 3rd gender can now be customized to identify racers who prefer selecting a non-binary gender for participating in an event. 


In registration setup, you’d turn on the 3rd gender and then type in the 3rd gender labels that are appropriate for your event.  The label can be in your local language.

Note that both the long and short forms of the 3rd gender must be specified as some race pages use the short form due to limited space, whereas other pages including the Webscorer app use the long form.


When posting start lists via file upload, you’d follow these steps:

1. On the upload file, use Gender = NB for non-binary entries
   - You can also use your own label such as X (or your local language 3rd gender label)
   - The upload tool will consider a gender label other than M or F as the 3rd gender

2. When you post the start list via file upload, the 3rd gender option shows up
   - If you're using NB, the long form is automatically entered
   - If you're using your own 3rd gender label, you must then specify the long form

3. You can edit the labels after posting by clicking on the “Edit race info” menu button
Starting with version 6.8, the Webscorer app will use the 3rd gender labels from any posted start list or registration list and display these labels on all app's panels where gender is specified or shown.

If you create the start list on the app, you can customize the 3rd gender on the app's Racer Setup panel.  Default 3rd gender labels are Female/Male & F/M, typically used in mixed-gender team events.

If the 3rd gender was customized as part of the registration or the start list, there's nothing extra to specify for the results to show the 3rd gender.  If you need to edit the 3rd gender labels after posting the results, you can do so as follows:
1. Navigate to the results page
2. Make sure you’re signed in as the organizer
3. Click on the “Edit race info” menu button
4. Edit the 3rd gender labels & click "Save changes"
If the results added to the results series have a customized 3rd gender label, the series will automatically use this label when showing series standings.  No additional customization is necessary.  If you notice that the Female/Male gender still shows up, check the results that have been added to the series.
An alternative that avoids the required steps to customize the 3rd gender explained above, is to skip using Gender altogether, and instead use category labels that incorporate gender.  This may be necessary if in the same race you have mixed Female / Male teams and racers who identify themselves as Non-Binary.  Also, if you have a case where a single 3rd gender label is not sufficient, this method accommodates any number of 3rd category labels.
If your race has age categories, you’d add the gender label to be part of the category name.  
- Male U19
- Male 20+
- Female U19
- Female 20+
- Non-Binary U19
- Non-Binary 20+
Note that you’d lose the “Overall by gender” results option and you could not utilize the “Exclude top 3 from category results” feature if no gender is defined.
If the race has no age groups, you could specify the following labels as the “Category” for each racer (and no Gender):
- Male
- Female
- Non-Binary
- Mixed


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