Boardworks Surf PRT Spring Mix Race 5

tirsdag 14. april 2015 6:33 p.m. (GMT-4) - Endelig resultatliste

Sport: Padling
Beliggenhet: Orlando, FL, USA
Starttype: Manuell bølgestart
Bølgegruppering: Etter distanse eller klasse
Distanse: 3,5 miles
Løpere: 1
Tid tatt på: iPad
Tid tatt med: Webscorer PRO 1.7
Oppdatert: onsdag 15. april 2015 10:43 a.m. (GMT-4)
Arrangert av: Wave of Wellness/Jessica Cichra
Løpets hjemmeside:
Course was designed with an open distance section circumnavigating Lake Virginia counterclockwise followed by a technical buoy turn section with a triangle loop. The course included two downwind legs. Conditions: Winds at 7mph with warm air temp.
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Plass Startnummer Løper Klasse Alder Kjønn Sluttid
17Albert CichraSUP 12'6" Race60M 42:42.2--100%0,00%0,00%4,918:33:09.1