February Flash Dash Indoor Track Meet

Sunday, February 16, 2025 9:00 AM (GMT-5)

Event info
Sport: Running - track
Location: Ithaca, NY, United States
Registrations: 66
Registration closes: Saturday, February 15, 2025 6:00 PM (GMT-5)
Organized by: Finger Lakes Runners Club
Event website: https://fingerlakesrunners.org/race/february-flash-dash-2025/

Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Age on event date
Emergency contact or coach name
Emergency contact or coach phone #
Event entry fee 0.00 USD
Choose the appropriate fee category
0.00 USD 10.00 USD 5.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD
Choose your team; individuals choose Unattached. (Contact ace@tidbits.com to add a new team.)
To compete in an event, enter a PROPERLY FORMATTED seed time or distance/height below. Please don't enter sprint events if you're likely to scratch because it results in small, uncompetitive heats.
FOLLOW THESE EXAMPLES! Enter 9 seconds as 0:09 (with a leading zero). Enter 2 minutes 30 seconds as 2:30. For jumps, enter 3 feet 9 inches as 3-09. DON'T ENTER ANYTHING ELSE!
60m seed time between 0:06 and 0:20 seconds
200m seed time between 0:20 and 0:60 seconds
800m seed time between 1:50 and 4:00 minutes
1 mile seed time between 4:00 and 10:00 minutes
Long jump seed distance between 3-00 and 20-00 feet
High jump seed height between 3-00 and 7-00 feet
If you have any notes about the above seed times or seeding requests, enter them here. We'll take them into account but can't guarantee anything.
Discount or coupon code
0.00 USD
0.00 USD
0.00 USD
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

Cornell University – Athletics Department
Finger Lakes Runners Club (FLRC)

Event Name: Track Meet Event (2024-ABVJQZ)
Event Location: Barton Hall, Ithaca, NY
Event Date(s): January 12, 2025, February 16, 2025, and March 16, 2025

Assumption Of Risk And Hold Harmless Agreement


Please read this entire document carefully. This document contains important information and legally binding terms.


By signing this agreement, you give up your right to bring a court action to recover damages or obtain any other remedy for any injury to yourself or your property including death, however caused, arising out of your participation in the Finger Lakes Runners Club activities now or any time in the future.


WARNINGS: I am aware that the Track Meet Event (2024-ABVJQZ) hereinafter called the “Event” activity has inherent risks. Among these risks is the risk of injury from participation in physical activity including but not limited to slips, trips, and falls; lacerations; bruises; torn, pulled/strained ligaments and/or muscles; fainting; nausea; broken bones; head/eye injuries; brain damage; paralysis; traumatic brain injury; back/neck/spine injuries; heart attack; heat exhaustion; stroke; trauma from physical contact with participants; equipment failure or playing surface; death; etc.


AGREEMENT TO ASSUME RISKS: By signing below, I acknowledge and agree that these are inherent risks of the activity and that I understand I will be exposed to each of these risks and other risks of injury or death by choosing to participate in the Event activities. I acknowledge and agree that my participation is voluntary and that if I believe any activity is unsafe for any reason, including the degree of skill required and my proficiency with that skill, I will immediately discontinue my participation in the activity. I further acknowledge and agree that I am voluntarily assuming all the inherent risks of participation.


Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability: I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by communicable diseases, including COVID-19, at Cornell University may arise from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and/or others. I recognize that the University cannot limit all potential sources of infection from communicable diseases occurring at on- or off-campus locations. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks, including but not limited to, the risk of broken bones, head/eye injuries, traumatic brain injury, paralysis, joint injuries, back/neck/spine injuries, heart attack, stroke, other bodily injury, illness, death, disability, or exposure or infection, for myself, and my family. I fully understand the risks, I knowingly and voluntarily waive and release Cornell University trustees, officers, agents, volunteers, employees, students, and all sponsoring and affiliated parties including the Finger Lakes Runners Club officers, race directors, and volunteers, the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, the Road Runners Club of America, USATF, USATF Niagara, and their representatives and successors (the “Released Parties”) from all present and future claims of any type, including negligence, for any harm or loss, including but not limited to, economic loss, personal injury, disease, death or property damage suffered by me or my family, as a result of my participation in a Cornell University program or activity or as a result of my presence on Cornell University’s campus. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue the Released Parties for any personal injury, death, medical expenses, disability, loss of capacity, property damage, court costs, attorney’s fees, or other loss arising out of the Event activities.


WAIVER OF CLAIMS: In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the Event, which may include the use of Cornell facilities, equipment, and property, use of trip equipment, and travel associated with these trips, I hereby waive all claims against the Released Parties from any liabilities, damages, expenses, causes of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including any claims of negligence, on account of personal injury, exposure to communicable diseases, including COVID-19, property damage, death, or accident of any kind related to my participation in the Event, however caused, except in the event of gross negligence. I intend for this waiver to bind my family members, heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, and assigns, as well as myself. I understand that Cornell University does not provide any accident or medical insurance and that I am required to provide my own accident and medical insurance. I hereby agree that I am financially responsible for all such expenses. I understand the Finger Lakes Runners Club does not carry radios or cell phones, and I may be far from medical facilities.


I understand that neither Cornell University nor the Finger Lakes Runners Club provides any private vehicle insurance and that I am required to provide my own private vehicle insurance should I elect to use my own vehicle for transportation to or from the Event activities. In the event of an accident or injury in my private vehicle or any other private vehicle in which I may ride to or from this Event activity, I agree to the same terms outlined above.


I understand that all participants are subject to Cornell University regulations including the Student Code of Conduct, the Finger Lakes Runners Club policies, laws of the United States, and the laws of New York State. Non-Cornell participants are subject to all the above except for the Cornell Code of Conduct. In the event of a violation of these or behavior that is considered by Finger Lakes Runners Club to be detrimental to me as a participant, other participants, or the event or program, Cornell University/Finger Lakes Runners Club shall have the right to dismiss me from the Event while retaining any applicable payment(s).


Media Release. I hereby grant the Released Parties the right and license to use my name, image likeness, and comments for any legitimate purpose for internal and external audiences. These materials include but are not limited to advertisements, brochures, emails, news releases, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, videos, social media, and websites.


This Waiver and Release of Claims shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without consideration of its conflicts of laws principles, and any dispute about the terms shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of New York with venue in Tompkins County.


  • I hereby certify that I am physically fit and able to participate in this activity.
  • I certify that I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this Waiver and Release of Claims.

I have read and fully understand the above warnings and agree to assume all risks, as well as the waiver/ release of claims. I have signed this document of my own free will and agree to the terms outlined herein.



Cornell University – Athletics Department
Finger Lakes Runners Club (FLRC)
Event Name: Skunk Cabbage 2025 (2024-ABVJRH)
Location: Barton Hall, Ithaca, NY
Event Date(s): January 12, 2025, February 16, 2025, and March 16, 2025
Parental Permission and Hold Harmless Agreement


Please read carefully. This document contains important information and is legally binding terms.


Assumption of Risk: I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that I wish to allow my child to participate in the Track Meet Event (2024-ABVJQZ) hereinafter called the “Event.” I understand that this program includes potentially dangerous activities such as, but not limited to running, making contact with the ground, making contact with other participants, etc. I further understand that these activities, and others, may result in injury or illness such as, but not limited to slips, trips, and falls; lacerations; bruises; torn, pulled/ strained ligaments and/or muscles; fainting; nausea; broken bones; head/eye injuries; brain damage; paralysis; traumatic brain injury; back/neck/spine injuries; heart attack; heat exhaustion; stroke; trauma from physical contact with participants; equipment failure or playing surface; death; etc.


I am also aware that there are other risks of injury and illness that may arise due to my child’s participation in the Event and that it is not possible to specifically list every individual risk of injury and illness. However, knowing the material risks and reasonably anticipating, appreciating, and knowing that other injuries and even death are a possibility, I hereby expressly assume all of the delineated risks in the Event. I also understand that I am responsible for supervising my child throughout the duration of the program.


Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability: I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by communicable diseases, including COVID-19, at Cornell University may arise from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and/or others. I recognize that the University cannot limit all potential sources of infection from communicable diseases occurring at on- or off-campus locations. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks, including but not limited to, the risk of illness, death, bodily injury, disability, or exposure or infection, for myself, and my family. I fully understand the risks, I knowingly and voluntarily waive and release Cornell University trustees, officers, agents, volunteers, employees, students, and all sponsoring and affiliated parties including the Finger Lakes Runners Club officers, race directors, and volunteers, the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, the Road Runners Club of America, USATF, USATF Niagara, and their representatives and successors (the “Released Parties”) from all present and future claims of any type, including negligence, for any harm or loss, including but not limited to, economic loss, personal injury, disease, death or property damage suffered by me or my family, as a result of my participation in a Cornell University program or activity or as a result of my presence on Cornell University’s campus. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue the Released Parties for any personal injury, death, medical expenses, disability, loss of capacity, property damage, court costs, attorney’s fees, or other loss arising out of the Event activities.


Hold Harmless: In consideration of my child’s opportunity to participate in the Event, I HEREBY for myself and on behalf of my heirs, family members, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, agree to HOLD the Released Parties HARMLESS from any liabilities, damages, expenses, causes of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including any claims of negligence, on account of personal injury, property damage, death, or accident of any kind, however caused, related to my participation in the Event.


Insurance: I understand and agree that Cornell University does not provide accident and/or medical insurance with respect to this Event and that I am financially responsible for any and all medical expenses relating to any and all injuries sustained as a result of my participation in the event.


Media and Recording Release: (Please check one): 🅇 I grant and authorize or ☐ I do not grant and authorize Cornell University/Finger Lakes Runners Club the right to record and use, to the extent that it desires, any images (including, but not limited to visual images, graphics, spoken word, vocal or instrumental music/sound effects) or activity in which my child (or my child’s establishment/organization) have taken part on behalf of Cornell or its representatives. Recording methods and distribution media may include, but are not limited to videotape, audiotape, motion picture film, still photographs (analog or digital) DVD, CD, or web pages. I further understand that this authorization shall extend to Cornell University’s grantees, lessees, or licensees in perpetuity.


Choice of Law: This Parental Permission Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. I agree that any dispute about the terms of this Agreement shall be presented to a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of New York with a venue in Tompkins County.


I further certify that I have read this entire Agreement, and I am fully aware of the legal consequences of this Agreement, and I agree to its terms. I represent and warrant that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older and have the legal authority to execute this Parental Permission Agreement.


Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
Please enter your name here