Wednesday, December 18, 2024 18:00 (GMT+13) - Wednesday, March 26, 2025 19:00 (GMT+13)
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Sharland Cycles Fun Run & Walk 5k Series 2024/25
5km trail & pavement courses.
REGISTRATION/Check-In: Opens at 5.20pm and closes at 6pm in the Club Waimea car park.
Briefing 6:00pm, Walkers starting straight after and Runners 10 minutes later.
Please arrive early to sign in on the day. Everyone and all abilities are welcome. There is a $3 entry fee per event; it's free for school children and youth students. Spot prizes will be given out at Club Waimea after the Event. Come along and enjoy a well earned drink!
Register and get your race number for all Waimea Harriers & Athletics Nelson events. Choose a category that fits your current status and this can be changed if necessary in person at each event.
**Before you register, check HERE to see if you already have a number!**
Use this form to send an email to the organizer.